Where is all the inventory?


New member
I'm trying to find more mags for my NHM-91, and I figured it wouldn't be such a bad time, because hey, it takes the same mags that every other 7.62x39 AK takes, right?

Well, yes. It does. I found excellent deals on 20, 30, and 40 rounders! $8.99 for steel and aluminum 30 rounders! $9.99 for aluminum 40s! Great stuff.

Then, as I made a mad dash to put all of this great newfound stuff in my cart, I notice that every single one has a little message where the "ADD TO CART" button should be.

"Click to get notified when product is back in stock."

Alright, sure, maybe I'll try a polymer mag? Also out of stock.

I went down the page and looked at all 43 magazines that fit 7.62x39 AKs, and not a SINGLE ONE was in stock, regardless of capacity, price, etc.

Same way on many other sites. It looks like my only option is to go to my one LGS and pay out the bum for the same mags. Where is all the inventory? Are we still panic-buying due to recent events? GAH! I want more mags!
Could be they are letting inventory go down so that come inventory for taxes time they have fewer items. I have seen this many times. After tax season everything comes back in stock.