New member
Standing in line at the sporting goods counter in our local Wal-Mart yesterday I noticed the fellow in line ahead of me was attempting to buy a gun. I also noticed he had a very thick British accent. A nice converstation ensued while the WM employees were stumbling over themselves trying to figure out how to sell a gun. Anyhow, he was buying a bolt action 30-06. He asked for ammunition. The clerk told him there were 150 gr., 165 gr. and 180 gr. choices. He choose the 180. I told him that for our local deer I used only 150 gr. and it works very well. He said he wanted more "punch" so they wouldn't run off. Here was where I faced a conundrum. He obviously did not know much about modern guns since he had been in the U.S. only a short period of time. I wanted to tell him the 180 was built stouter than a 150 and would more likely go through the deer without expanding than the 150 and, thusly would probably give a higher chance of the deer running off wounded than if hit with an expanding 150. I didn't push the issue but feel badly that I might have been able to help him make a better choice. But I also felt it would have been rude to pursure the point.
What say the jury?
What say the jury?