Where do you get boxes to ship guns?


New member
I'm looking at selling a couple of guns soon on gunbroker.

I haven't used the gunbroker before. I understand the general process, but what containers are guns typically send in?

Can I just tape up a hard case and send it? Or do I need to find a gun sized box?
Carne makes sense. Too often we overlook the obvious.
Just don't explain to the dealer you are going into competition with him. :eek:
I shipped a gun USPS using a black gun case. All went smoothly.
Shipping shop

I had to send a gun back to Aramalite and went to the shipping shop and told them what I needed to do and they took it from there. I had it in a soft shell case, but I suppose I didn't need to.
I have heard many times of what Rifleman said of people shipping in a cheap $10 hard case from Walmart. I did as Carne said when I needed to ship a rifle for warranty repairs. They gave me a box, packing paper to stuff in and put it in their daily UPS outgoing pickup.
I've bought a number of long guns online, and most of them came in hard plastic cases. Some were in cardboard but the plastic protects the gun better, and really, what else is in a box 5 inches x 2 inches x 48 inches?:confused:
Shipping just a plain cheap gun box screams "GUN" and a lot of places don't like that - placing that case inside a plain cardboard box available from the folks who sold you the case or another FFL dealer will do the job nicely
I've bought a number of long guns online, and most of them came in hard plastic cases. Some were in cardboard but the plastic protects the gun better, and really, what else is in a box 5 inches x 2 inches x 48 inches?:confused:

Golf clubs.

Sometimes I use motorcycle stickers or part sticker on the box as I have received handle bars in long boxes.