Where do I buy a good vest?


New member
I would like to know where I could buy a good quality concealed carry vest suitable for one who dresses light and doesn't care too much for the Mr. Furley/Marshall Dillon look. It needs to be a low-key, low-print, semi-casual piece of clothing with at least two inner pockets and a design such that allows for a quick draw.

Anything come to mind?
I've got a couple that I like...

One came from Banana Republic, but it has no inside pockets. Covers a belt holster though. The other is a "photographer's vest" from LL Bean. The Bean vest is a little longer, has more pockets, and is made better. I think it has a couple of inner pockets. However, I use both of these vests to cover belt holsters...I probably don't fool "gun people", but the average Joe doesn't suspect a thing.

concealed carry vest

Check out Coronado Leathers.
They make some nice looking leathers with bulit-in carry compartments. They will custom build to your size, if you are not the 'off-the-rack' dimensions. They have several vest styles to choose from. Also, other types of outer garments are available, all with carry capacity.www.coronadoleather.com