Where did the gun clock go?????

Miss Demeanors

New member
Weird stuff......I was at my webpage, noticed the link for the picture of the gun clock was gone, then as I scrolled up, all the text is messed up? I typed in www.pulpless/gunclock (or whatever it is) and its GONE! Maybe I am just a wee bit paranoid but .....when I go to Bravenet I can see the IP's of the last 50 visitors, well there was 2 in there that caught my eye (just hoping its someone at work) one said government something the other said Admin.police and some number. :( Can someone hack a website? And if so why would they hack mine? Can anyone else get into the gun clock? I am hoping its my computer, but I dont see how my computer could effect the text. WEIRD STUFF!

Maybe its REno getting back at me for that picture? :D

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
http://www.pulpless.net/gunclock/ works fine for me. Shrug.

I wouldn't worry too much about the .gov visitor. When I'd review my band's domain visitor log, there would always be a few .gov and .mil hits.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Thanks! I looked at it and the URL was changed. Thats really weird, HardBall got in there this morning. Plus all the text is messed up. The page looks normal when its in FrontPage but when I go to the actual site its all messed up? :(
I swear if someone is playing on my computer when I am not here.........

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Miss D.
I was so favorably impressed by the Gun Clock site when I visited it this morning on your recommendation that I added it to the favorite sites list on my faithful Macintosh. I just went to my favorit sites list and clicked on Gun Clock. It came up immediately and looked exactly the same as when I visited it this morning. Perhaps Janet reno is attacking your computer rather than the Gun Clock site. Just remember that just because you are not parinod does not mean that they have stopped trying to get you!

[This message has been edited by Hard Ball (edited January 05, 2000).]