Where can I find a good place to buy a Makarov?


New member
I would like to purchase a Bulgarian or East German Makarov in very good to excellent shape. Any ideas on a good place to get one?

Yes, all the major dealers are out with the possible exception of KY Imports http://www.kyimports.com

They are still advertising NIB Arsenal Maks for $149. Someone posted on the Makarov forum about getting one recently so you might give them a call. I would jump on it at that price. True, they were cheaper previously but nobody has any now and who knows what they will go for in the future.

Here is an interesting tidbit I posted on the Makarov forum recently. J&G Sales http://www.jgsales.com had previously said on their Makarov link that new ones were expected in late May/early summer. They recently updated it to say "...if they come in sometime they will be posted here."

That is not very encouraging.