Where are the Rugers?


New member
Hi all,
I ordered two of the new type Vaquero's from Davidsons 5 months ago and still no sign of them or any news. I'm on the list for two of the stainless 5.5in in 38spl. (already have my .45's)

These are advertised on the Ruger website, but nobody has them. I've checked all over town and nobody knows what is going on at Ruger. Apparently they are not making ANY of the stainless guns. They are putting out a few blued in .45LC.

One of the local guys talked to the Ruger rep at the SHOT show and he promised that the new guns were in production and on the way.

I called Ruger and after getting transfered three times got a sales rep's phone message--Martha, or Margret, I think. I left a polite inquiry about what is going on and if these guns were going to be made any time soon and left my number. No call back.

I'm wondering if I should cancel the order, but dont want to as I'm getting them thru Steve Young (SASS-Nate Kiowa Jones) who is going to check them out for me--specifically to make sure the cylinder gap is not too tight, lighten the springs, and remove the part that prevents the cylinder from spinning either way.

Any comments or info?
The New Vaqueros are in short supply everywhere, and long waits are the norm. Ruger had some problems with early production, and even recalled several thousand of the earliest guns (serial numbers below 3,000, I think).

The only ones I've seen for sale have been 4-3/4" and 5-1/2" blued guns. I know people who have been waiting for stainless guns or the long barrel .45's for over a year now.

All I can say is that you will get them eventually. If you're in a hurry, keep an eye on Gunbroker and hit the gun shows. I'd been waiting for a 50th Anniversary Blackhawk for over six months when I stumbled on one at a dealer in another town. He had just gotten it in that day. I bought it on the spot and arranged to have it shipped to my FFL in Memphis.
Thanks for the info. I don't know whether I feel better or worse. I wonder why Ruger doesn't let us know why no guns are coming out? It doesn't seem like their usual good public relations that we have come to expect. I can't see Bill Ruger just making people wait a year, with no news at all. I guess they don't maintain his standards anymore. Still, I'll wait.
NRA member
SASS Langhorn Bullet Smith
I think you misunderstood me. Guns are indeed coming out. They weren't for a while as Ruger sorted out the issues that led to the recall, but they've been back in production for at least several months now. Unfortunately, there is a lot of pent-up demand. Lots of dealers have had orders in for a long time, and the big dealers who placed their orders early on are still soaking up the available production, and many of those guns were presold to people like you. It will probably take a while before the onsie and twosie orders from small dealers get filled. That's why I said your best bet is to watch Gunbroker and the gun shows, as they are showing up bit by bit. You may get lucky and stumble on one. If not, just be patient. Supply will eventually catch up with demand.
Ruger isn't up to speed like S&W. Ruger's marketing projects sales and then the plant people plan production on that basis. They stop work, set up the line for a particular gun and then crank them out until the quota is satisfied.

S&W uses the Japanese technique in that what they sold today, they make tomorrow. Keeps the inventory down to a minimum that way.