Where are the anti polls?


New member
"Democrats are quick to point out that polls taken since the shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado killed 15, Americans have overwhelmingly supported stricter gun control measures."

This quote was taken from the CNN site today discussing yesterdays House vote. I'd like to know where these polls are because the ones I've seen have supported less gun control.

It seem like everytime the anti's (or CNN) open their mouths nothing but s**t comes out. Am I alone in that feeling?

You're not alone.

As for your statement that "the shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado killed 15", I think you might be listening to CNN and like type news organizations a little too much. There were 13 victims, and two dead killers--I don't like it when they include the killers into the total. My 2 cents worth.

[This message has been edited by Lucas (edited June 19, 1999).]