Where are the 2nd/3rd generation collectors?


About 3-4 years ago, there was quite a bit of thread traffic concerning collecting (or finding) the Colt 2nd/3rd generation blackpowder revolvers of the 1971s-2002s. This has died down a bit, and folks are doing mostly BP shooting here. Anyone still collect here, or have they all moved to the Colt Forum and the shooters remained here? Hmmmm. Maybe that is why they call this site "The Firing Line."

I am a 2nd Gen collector and have a couple that I shoot. The bulk of my collection is NIB. BTW, 2nd Gens were made from 1971 to 1982. Signature Series (aka 3rd Gens) were made from 1996 to 2002. There isn't as much collector traffic on the BP websites as there used to be.
The darn things are expensive. Yeah, I get that they are "real Colts" and all that but you can buy two Piettas for one Colt.

I collect them, I shoot them...

1851 Navies a pair
1862 Pocket Police
1862 Pocket Navy
The collector market for anything has tanked. Collector cars are bringing a lot less than they were 10 years ago except for a few exotic examples. Same is now happening in the gun world. The younger generation as a whole is not into guns or cars. There are exceptions but as a general trend it is true. CNN had a good article on the collector car market downturn in prices and the causes. The original Colt Patterson's and Walkers are going to hold and increase in value over the next 100 years. Probably not so for 2nd and 3rd generation Colts and especially true for the replicas out there. Now would be a good time to cash in if it's the money your interested in.
I have a 3rd generation Colt 1860 Army. I bought it to shoot, not to display or just own. I doubt it will ever be extremely valuable, at least not in my lifetime.


I used it at Brady Texas last year in the "as issue" revolver match shooting a 91, which ironically was better than the scores I shot with any of my fancy target pistols in the regular pistol match.
As Fingers McGee, I am a 2nd generation collector and my collection is NIB. Not including variations, the basic 2nd generation series has 2 'C' models and 11 'F' models. Therefore, I try to keep the size of my collection to around that basic number and try for exclusivity instead of quantity. But since some are pairs, or others may have some 'special' engravings, I am now at 18 guns. I think I'll stay firm at that number, and will cull out some to replace with others as I find them. Last year I was very fortunate to find a consecutive pair of Colt 2nd generation 1861 Navy Stainless Steel (F1310). Though this added to my set total, I could not pass these up because another like them will not come up for sale again during my lifetime (only two other people have one - and the whereabouts of the remaining three is unknown).

I agree with Gaucho Gringo's remarks - a lot of the BP collectors are grey haired folks and not a lot of youngsters are interested, but.....................I am not collecting these as an investment and my heirs can do with them as they want.
