Where are our Congressmen?

Will Beararms

New member
Many, myself included, have been lambasting certain Gun Manufacturers for caving in to the Marxists. This is exactly what the leftists want us to do. They love it when we fight among ourselves.

With the exception of Big Tobacco, no other industry in our nation would undergo what is happening right now to the Firearms Makers without an uproar from Congress. Just as they did with Monicagate and Big Tobacco, the reprobates that we have elected to serve us, (Yes, I said it and I would love to have the opportunity to stand toe to toe with ANY of them and repeat it to their faces!)are doing nothing about this obvious destruction of our check and balance system.

If it gets to the point where the will of the people is circumvented by a group of blood-thirsty lawyers anytime it does'nt set well with the liberals, we are headed for a situation where the ballot box will mean nothing. God help us.

I am not thrilled with Ruger's Gun Show Policy or Sig's Smart Gun approach but maybye we should step back take a deep breath and focus our attention on the people who have sworn to uphold the very checks and balances that are in place to prevent the current conspiracy against an industry producing a legal product.

P.S. The Government will get 40% of my sales commisions for last year off the top. I am sick of the verbal manure being spewed by the Republicans and the Democrats!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Our congressmen (except Ron Paul) are too busy passing feel good legislation to worry about the courts destroying our rights. If congress was indeed doing their jobs, they would be impeaching the Supreme court justices as well as all the Federal judges who are busy 'legislating from the bench'. Congressmen are really only interested in getting reelected and the people of the United States are getting what we deserve.