Where are all the K-31's coming from again?


New member
I thought the Swiss has sold off the last from their arsenals years ago, and the spotty offerings seen were from private collections.

In the past few weeks, at least three of the major online C&R retailers/wholesalers have them for sale again. I'm really tempted to buy a third one- still an amazing value.

Did they uncover an unknown/forgotten cache of these in an armory somewhere, or was I misinformed about the supply having been exhausted?
I am unsure also. These aren't even the cracked stock variety that have been trickling out the last few years. All I can figure is someone had them in a warehouse in the US holding them in anticipation of the price rising and money got tight.
I am unsure also. These aren't even the cracked stock variety that have been trickling out the last few years. All I can figure is someone had them in a warehouse in the US holding them in anticipation of the price rising and money got tight.

My suspicion also. Importers all claimed there "wouldn't be any more" and suddenly when the price goes over $300.00, here they are. Supply and demand. Cut off the supply and demand skyrockets. Funny thing is, many of the folks purchasing at the $300.00+ level are the same ones who turned their noses up when these guns were $60.00-70.00.
It is common for importers to hold back milsurps. The quantities are so vast compared with sporting rifles that dumping them all on the market at once will depress prices and jade the interest. So smart importers will warehouse a lot of their stock, then release it a bit at a time to keep the interest (and the prices) up. Also, it is not unknown for a nation selling off its old arms to do the same thing, initially selling off only part of their stock. When they see that the "old junk" really has value, they will release more, adjusting the price accordingly.

Actually, a large number of these are marked "P". The arsenal rifles are mostly gone, and k31s are now bringing higher prices on the street in Switzerland. Bear in mind that even though the rifles stamped with "P" seem to be sought after, those are the very rifles that passed from the military (with a number of regular periodic qualifaication rounds fired) into the hands of the Private Citizen who easily may have continued to shoot competitions for years after. That equals: A lot more rounds through that barrel!
AIM just sent out a follow up e-mail to some of us who ordered. This new AIM batch have huge, hideous importer billboards stamped right at the rear of the receiver. I have to say I have never seen such a bad place to mark them and such an ugly billboard. Kind of spoils them as far as collectibility but I am sure they will be great shooters.

Jeezus, AIM, why would you do that? :eek: I actually feel bad for buying GP11 from them, once. Never again, that's just retarded what they did there. Hope they fire whatever manager or contractor ruined all those guns.

Don't really know anything about the importing process/procedure, but I don't think this is AIM's doing.

Century is the importer, appears AIM bought these- from them. Shame on CAI, I suppose- but does anyone know the facts behind the requirements of the import /SN registrations?

Where on the firearms they need to be located (if any such restriction exists), and the size of the lettering?

There doesn't seem to be much consistency here with many C&R firearms, and obviously "less" is better- so why would an importer do anything other than make it as unobtrusive as possible? :confused:

I was unaware that Simpson imported directly...that's interesting...
Never bought from them before, but I've looked at their offerings online a lot.
All of the Swiss rifles from Simpsons are selected and purchased by Bob Simpson himself. He travels often on these buying trips. That's how the descriptions are so very accurate and can be depended upon by the buyer.
Now that I scored a decent K31, if I was to buy another, I would definitely check out Simpsons. You will pay premium prices but they have premium rifles too. If you want a really nice one or a rare one, Simpsons is the source. If you just want a shooter, the AIM ones are fine.
I'm actually considering a Simpson's right now, over an AIM, simply due to CAI's extreme advertising on the rear of the receiver.

But I have a noob question: can you preload the magazine (like most other removable mags) and then insert it into the action/receiver and load the rifle? It just seems the charging clips command a premium from what I've seen.
I recommend Simpsons!

For those sitting on the fence; buy from Simpsons, LTD (IMHO)!
I bought a K11 (all matching with match bayo!) it was in good shape and it shoots well-very well!
Their customer-service is great and (like zfk55 said) the descriptions are spot one! I am very happy with my K11 :D
Thanks kilamanjaro. I figured one could, but work blocks most firearm-related websites and blogs, so I wasn't able to find the answer myself.