Where are _our_ backers?


New member
Everyone on this forum is more than familiar with the seemingly endless number of rich liberals who contribute huge bucks for banning the private ownership of firearms.

Fine. That's America.

But where are the wealthy supporters of gun owners?

It's not possible that there are no wealthy pro-gun supporters. So where are they?

There's plenty of them, I can think of about 10 celebrities without straining. The problem is getting them to publically come forward for our rights. Being silent is the same as being anti these days...


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
Many of the rich "conservatives" don't want us "proletariat" to have guns neither. ;)

We have much educating to do.

Speaking of that, on today's Ollie North show he had Philly Mayor Richard Rendell on his show speaking on behalf of the Gore administration. The subject was education.

You may recall Al Gore's Thursday nite convention speach where he told us that he wanted to fund universal pre-school, that is, kiddie classes from the age of 4 on up. It appears, says the Mayor, that children of that age soak up a lot of knowledge.

What Al didn't say, and the Hizzoner did say today was that this universal pre-school would be "mandatory."

Yeah. When Col. North asked if it would be mandatory the Mayor said, "Yes, mandatory."

[RickD is now pausing for affect]...

So, ya gonna get out the vote this November?

Send me all your money, I will then be rich, and will back our cause ;)

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me
That's it - most rich conservatives are basically economic conservatives.

They really feel superior to the working class and will happily exploit them as long
as they get tax breaks.

Their pet politicians throw race baiting, abortion baiting, flag burning, gay baiting red meat to the social conservatives but they don't really care about social conservative causes.

They do understand that an armed populace that has to slave in their "free enterprise" crappy jobs may turn on their gated communities. Thus, all powered classes are against the right of the drones to have guns.

Notice that the GOP will go to the wall for a tax cut but never for the RKBA.

Of course, you have probably picked up by now that I'm not a big fan of a lot of social conservative points of view anyway but just want to explain it to you when you just throw around the term "conservative".