When you get bored


New member
Found this 1978 S&W belt buckle on e-bay. So per normal, I bought it with no idea what to do with it.

Then when I was banging steel at 100 yards thinking I might take my 44 deer hunting I got to thinking about all the post about 44 Magmums and Bears, so WHY NOT.

I flattened it out and inleted in on my Model 29-2 presitation box

Looks kind of neat if I do say so my self.



Don't panic. The orginal grips are under the blue bottom felt.

My wife keeps telling me I'm dangerous when I get bored.
Great work Craig, nice setup. I've got a pair of Altamount grips on mine that are every bit as comfortable with full house magnums as the Pachmeyers...and look 100% better. YMMV, Rod
Hey I have a couple of those belt buckles on the shelf with other gun junk, also a genuine silver replica of JW’s Red River D buckle...