When you find a weapon you forgot you had.....


New member
I'm stumped!!!!!:confused:

In the process of FINALLLY organizing my "stuff", I discovered other "stuff"; including an adequate but forgotten stash of ammo, and NIB Gold Cup NM. Now I've had this GC for nearly 12 yrs, and never fired it. Been fondled, racked, dry-fired; but NEVER left the house.

Since it's unlikely I'll change my habits now, I'm thinking of putting it up for adoption. Needs a caring home; and productive life. I'm not sure I can bring myself to do that after all this time.

I've checked here, and spoken to a few people with the result of being further confused. What is this worth?? It's an '89-'90 series 80, with ALL papers as originally purchased, #FN300xx. I think it's been lonely too long.:o

depending on your locale, somewhere in the neighborhood of $800.00. Gem mint version
of series 70's models actually can bring
as much as $1,000.00 a copy!!!:eek: :D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
I too am envious,if I only had that many just laying around.Keep us posted on the pending sale.SAFE-SHOOTING!
That gun was a pile of crap, which was the reason it never left the house, and should be disposed of by a trained professional. Lucky for you I am that professional.;) Just send the gun to me and I will take care of it.:D

I just organized all my stuff, and I regret to report that I only have the guns I remember buying.

I need to go shopping.
Furthermore, as soon as I saw the box, I remembered having it. But the real thrill was all that ammo!!:D (So THAT'S what in those boxes!!) Admittedly, quite lucky. Lucky that I had the foresight to squirrel away that stuff!

Then I remembered a couple of other "items" I had hidden for a "rainy day". They, too, were there. :D Not as fiscally valuable; so I may get to use them soon. That closet was rarely opened, and it's near empty now.

The heartbreak of parting with the GC notwithstanding, I seem to practise being a packrat. Buying or accumulating things with no immediate need or use; an odd tool, useless event mementos, toys or electronic widgets and gadgets I haven't seen let alone touched since I brought them home. Don't remind me about the Cyborg 3D I waited a year to buy in USB left-handed; it's sat on my desk for over a year now.:rolleyes:

Had a terrific friend with an admirable collection when I lived in CT. for several years. Toward the end I hadn't seen him for awhile. Upon re-acquaintance he casually mentioned his collection was liquidated; kept just a house gun or two. Took up golf.....:eek: :confused: ....and that's the point - do we collect for the sake of collecting?? If I don't have a use or time for an item, why do I still have it? Is this a "guy" thing?

Alright, it's 4:30 a.m. and I'm starting to babble; I just can't decide about this Colt. So someone send me $800 and make the decision for me.
According to The BlueBook of Gun Values 22nd Edition

A GC in 100% condition - blue is $895.
Add 10% for NIB condition with box, papers, etc.

A GC in 100% condition - stainless is $895.
Add 10% for NIB condition with box, papers, etc. Add $70 for ultimate bright stainless finish.

As for squirreling away stuff, I am guilty of that as well. In fact, I am going through my stuff right now that I haven't looked at for years - spare barrels, parts, mags, etc for projects I never got around to. I was informed that I needed to go through this stuff and decide what to do with it. ;) Heaven forbid I come home one day and it is gone!
Yep--just like Christmas!

Something like it happened to me once, although unfortunately not with a GC. I was poking around in the safe and found an NIB S&W Model 640 with a 3-inch barrel. At first glance, I couldn't recall having bought it, even after opening the box. Then I remembered. It's kind of an interesting gun, too--AFAIK the barrel length is unusual for a 640. :)