When will they stop?

Futo Inu

New member
No, I don't mean the anti-gunners' idiotic tirades (that, too), I mean the NRA's Firearms Classics Library books. I get one a month, and they're quite nice to have, but rather expensive. I signed up originally mainly to kill two birds with one stone - help NRA while getting something in return. However, the subject matter is getting quite redundant in them - I've received at least 10 or 12 now, at about $30 each.

My question is, who else is getting these and does anyone know how many are in the set in total? It's one thing to send a fine, complete yet reasonably small set of gun-related books, paid for in easy installments - it's quite another to abuse the member (me) by never ceasing to send books until I cancel, no matter how redundant they get. That's preying on the member's desire to get the complete set.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited September 09, 1999).]