When Will It End

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New member
Went to the local target range Saturday. When I asked for a large silhouette target he asked me what color. I thought he was crazy & said the black on beige of course. He stated that they could no longer provide the black targets in order to be politically correct. The range master also happened to be a cop and said the police departments will no longer shoot the black targets either, furthermore the military had also changed their targets.

When will this end. Do the minorities spend their time at home while we work thinking of ways to prove they are being undermined and repressed. They need to stop worrying about the color of targets. They need to get off the government assistance programs, this means setting down your bridge cards and ADC and proving they can be productive members of society versus whining losers always looking for an excuse.

Bettering yourself does not mean having more chilrun (paychecks).
Let's stay away from the welfare rants, OK? That's pure politics and not allowed (moving to the General Discussion forum, as it's better suited there. I think....).

As for the target stuff... HUH?!

Do you mean that a standard black silhouette target is politically incorrect? What color do they prefer?
I have never seen that done, heard of it, would laugh out loud at any range that so bowed down before the almighty political correctness cidol...and never return.
Heck, I've asked why my Dept targets ARE black, instead of international orange...
Al, I have to disagree with you - but only because I don't think your comments were strong enough.

The OP's rant was only partly political. Its undertones were racist, and that should also be pointed out.

It's the height of irony to say minorities are too sensitive to racial issues and too prone toward political correctness out of a paranoid oversensitivity, but then to toss out a statement that equates black people with welfare checks, and to do it with a "ghetto" misspelling (chllun? Seriously...).

Of the guys I train with at my dojo, four are black. None are on welfare. None of them say "chillun." All of them are actually more well-spoken than is the OP. It's possible they may be better employed. One is an RN. Another is a grad student. Three are fathers, and all three are actively involved with their kids.

So, I find the OP's comments particularly offensive, but think they say a lot more about the OP than they do about minorities (or political opponents).

Now that I have that out of my system... I've also encountered places where B-27s and their like are not sold. Those places had no humanoid targets, though; had nothing to do with color of the targets.

I find it hard to believe that would have been true in the OP's case. I have many friends who are black, but none who are the color of a B-27.
Black Targets

The issue was not the human silhouette it was the color. He was happy to provide me with orange or blue. The range master clearly stated the change was solely made for political correctness.
If you bring your own, will they let you use them? If so, order them from MidwayUSA, etc.

If not, you might find a different range, since those guys will seem a bit out there...

Edit: In case I didn't make this point in my first post, I do think the PC police are way overboard, and I do think some people go out of their way to be offended. I don't think the way to defeat such opinions and behavior is by flinging insults; it's counter-productive with that audience, and it can make us look very bad to fence-sitters.

Note: The ranges I go to often have much more humanoid targets than mere silhouettes. One that cracks me up features a BG with hostage; I won't say which person it is, but one of the two reminds me of a plainclothes cop friend of mine. Some people might see that target as anti-(name your type of BG); I could see it as anti-cop, I suppose - but I don't. I'm pretty sure my cop friend would be amused at the likeness.
If this is true (and it seems fairly outlandish), the range master is a bit off the rocker.

That said, his house, his rules. It's certainly an odd practice, and an odder rationalization, but it's not the weirdest thing I've heard gun people say.
"That said, his house, his rules."

Ultimately yep.

And with that, I think this is a good place to end this, as threads such as these all too often bring out the worst in people.
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