When to replace ammo in carry gun?

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I've had same ammo in my carry gun (38 revolver) for about 20 years now,,i'm sure i need to just shoot it up and buy some new, but how long does ammo in a handgun in a glovebox last anyway? what is the recommended replacement time?
Mercy, I wouldn't have a clue how long it would be good for.
I just can't seem to not shoot my ammo up. I'll load up a couple boxes and it seems I always find leafs and such mocking me while I stroll through the woods.
then I have to set down and load some more. Between me, my wife and son, my press stays pretty active.
I don't know if I would shoot 20 year old ammunition that has spent a lot of time in a glove box. Sometime in the glove box is fine. However, years of temperature extremes (particularly high temperatures) and vibration could possibly cause the powder to begin decaying :eek:. If this has taken place, pressure inside the cartridge case can spike dangerously! Now, if the ammunition had been stored in a closet where the temperature was fairly cool and stable, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot it. New bullets aren't excessively expensive; I would just buy some more. Replacing your carry load at least every 6-12 months probably wouldn't be a bad idea :).
We have an ongoing, and quite active, discussion as noted by TailGator, so I'm going to close this one.

No sense in having largely identical competing discussions.
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