When to carry?

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Archer 9505

New member
Sub -Title: Can of Worms.

My question. Do you advocate carrying all the time or only when you perceive an elevated threat level?

A friend, got me to perhaps rethink my carry posture.

Currently I rarely Carry.
Rational: First I live in Maine (Statistically, living in Maine I have the least likelihood of being a victim of a violent crime than any other state in the union). Secondly, when you look at a break down of people that become victims of violent crimes many (certainly not all) are engaged in high risk behaviors that increased their exposure to potential violence. None of which, do I participate in. So for me it was an equation; Dose the risk and inconvenience that I introduce into my daily life by carrying a deadly weapon on my person out weigh the risk that I am trying to mitigate (Violent attack) by carrying that weapon. For me, under most circumstances I believed the answer to be no, considering my location and lifestyle.

There are circumstances under which I perceive an elevated risk and do carry. But for Day in Day out all day, the risk that I accept by carrying did not in my mind out weigh the risk that I was trying to counter. After all, my goal was to make my family and myself safer. Would 24/7 carry make them and I safer or increase our exposure to risk?

A conversation that I had with a friend has caused me to challenge this rational.

Your Thoughts?
Carrying more or less frequently won't increase your chances of a violent encounter. Only a change in your behavior will do that.

Statistics are interesting things - for example, middle-class white males are the demographic least likely to be victims of violent crime, but as a demographic carry and own the greatest amount of guns.

Go with whatever makes you most comfortable.
Keep it simple, Carry anytime you can carry legally.

You'll be better off feeling uncomfortable because you aren't carrying then you will being uncomfortable because you are.
I can't recall any random violent crimes against middle aged white guys in the 30 mile radius of where I live 90% of my life. Sure there is crime, even violent crime. Mostly against women or between trash that knows each other or robberies or bar fights. Just a fact. I'm not a woman, don't hang with trash and don't work in a bank or store or visit rough bars. Being said, I don't carry much in that radius.

Not to say I don't carry at all. The wife and I go out fishing at night or in the sticks I carry, head to the city for dinner I carry, sometimes I just carry for the heck of it. But someone would be dang hard pressed to convince me I need to carry every waking moment of the day.

My advise to you is don't let anyone spout off a bunch of one line statements like "rather be tried by 12 instead of carried by six" or " bad things can happen in good places" in attempt to convince you to carry or to justify there reasons. Use your own head and do what you think you need to do. If that means carry, so be it, if not, that will work too if your situation is like mine.
I carry whenever I legally can. I'm not clairvoyant. I have no way to know if today is more likely to be my unlucky day than any other day.

As for avoiding risky behaviors, I already do that and continue to do that even when I'm carrying a gun. I might be carrying a gun, but I still don't want to have to use it. As a rule of thumb, if I think I might need a gun, I don't go there or do that.

As I see it, carrying a gun for self defense is for that last small bit of uncertainty that can not be otherwise eliminated.
Every time I think to myself:

"Hmmm, maybe I won't carry today",

the thought is soon followed by:

"Hmmm, but maybe this is the day I will most need to".
If I knew ahead of time when and where I would have to use deadly force to defend myself then I would just avoid that place at that time. You can't know when or where so I carry any time I can.

As for statistics...here's my take. You can quote all sorts of percentages about chance of rain, chance of winning the lottery, chance of being attacked, but the true chances are only two. The chance is either 0% or 100% and you never know which it will be. If today is your 100% day and you are 0% prepared then I'm 100% sure you won't like the outcome.
I carry when ever and where ever legal to do so.
Bad things happen to good people, in good perceived safe places when least expected.
As Frank stated ,
I'm not clairvoyant. I have no way to know if today is more likely to be my unlucky day than any other day.
My opinion is, either carry as I stated I do, or don't bother at all. Part time carry does not work, and again what/which part time carry should I choose?
AM, PM, odd days, even days. Carry on the days that have the partial word "DAY" in them.:eek:
I carry when ever and where ever legal to do so.
either carry as I stated I do, or don't bother at all. Part time carry does not work, and again what/which part time carry should I choose?

Seems like to me that part time carry works pretty well if you're carrying the gun at the time you happen to need it.

If I only carry every other day, how is a 50% chance of having a gun when I need it worse than not carrying at all?
Dose the risk and inconvenience that I introduce into my daily life by carrying a deadly weapon on my person out weigh the risk that I am trying to mitigate (Violent attack) by carrying that weapon.

I'm not sure what risk you are introducing by carrying, are you referring to handling the weapon?

I guess peoples definition of "inconvenience" varies, but with the proper gun, holster, and carry position that fits you personally, it shouldn't be more than a minor issue (unless, of course, your particular state puts too many restrictions on where you can legally carry).

I rarely feel a NEED to carry, but generally do so anytime I legally can. For me, it's no different than my wallet or flashlight in a pocket; I don't really notice it, but if I should need it then it is there. If I don't need it (and I hope I never do) then the effort I expended to do so is inconsequential.
I carry whenever I can ... no question. Odds are great if you like to bet on football; if you're betting your life, not so much ...
In my opinion when people can be randomly shot down because they participate in behavior no worse than going to the movies, I carry when/where I can.
I will be getting my carry permit this weekend. I agree with the others. I will carry wherever it is not strictly and clearly signed as prohibited.

Why have a carry permit if you're not going to carry?
I haven't ever needed a firearm (or any weapon) to defend myself. Yet, I had one friend murdered in a college shooting and another active shooter was stopped at a church I have been to (NIU and New Life Chuch).
While the chances of needing a concealed handgun are very low, if you stay out of risky areas and don't associate with criminals, the fact remains that there are statistical outliers. If you can legally carry, and are trained, why not be prepared?
Not to say I don't carry at all. The wife and I go out fishing at night or in the sticks I carry, head to the city for dinner I carry, sometimes I just carry for the heck of it.

That is how it is with me. My choice of when to carry is not arbitrary. I carry when on the road at night. My work sometimes has been going to a far flung and lonely corner of the State, often traveling at night. I carry when out in the sticks, fishing, Moose Calling, hiking etc. I had an encounter a few years back (too long a story to relate here) that reinforced in my mind that some people have weird ideas about what is acceptable when they think there are no wittinesses. I carry in circumstances that when I do an Operational Risk management assessment of what I am doing, I perceive that I am at a greater risk than just my normal every day going to the market routine.

I'm not sure what risk you are introducing by carrying, are you referring to handling the weapon?

When ever you have in your possession and control of a device that if mishandled can cause harm or death, there is a level of inherent risk. Training and conscientious safe gun handling practices and rituals can greatly mitigate that risk but not eliminate it completely. It only takes one brain fart or moment of complacency. Have you ever ran a red light or pulled out in front of another vehicle? Or dropped a cup of coffee in your lap?

Safer with or Safer With out?
My goal is not just to Carry for Carry's sake but to be safer.
Based on my lifestyle and location, I believe that there are times that I am safer without. There are other times that a CCW makes me safer.
I like the idea of carrying anytime I am not sleeping. (and then I sleep near a gun)
Also I do not like to carry in the shower...........

But that's about it!

I think that the OP's question contains some excellent analysis.

There are downsides to carrying. You can't, for example, have an accidental discharge if you don't carry a firearm. The OP is simply considering his situation and balancing the upsides and the downsides.

I carry all the time, because it's easier than carrying some of the time. However, the OP's reasoning does impact what I carry - like no extra magazine.
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