When something interfered with taking that shot?


I had a friend who worked in a chicken takeout joint in the bad part of town some years back...he was engaged with a coworker and they usually worked the night shift so that they could spend more time together.
As luck would have it, they were closing up when someone forgot to lock the back door(to the food storage room)...two BG's came in that way, when one grabbed his fiancee. My friend was not packing then, so he followed their instructions, even laid down on the floor because he was worried they'd do her in right there.
Things changed, when the two BG's announced that "they would take this FINE woman with them to make robbing the place, WORTH THEIR WHILE!"
One of the BG's showed a smallish revolver and warned the other workers and my friend, not to follow them or someone would get hurt.
My friend did a slow burn and as soon as they backed out of the rear door, he brought out his .30-.30 Winchester, which he had kept hidden for just this occasion...he followed them out the door and eared the hammer back to point his rifle at the BG's...they screamed to no shoot...they let his fiancee loose and they took off running.
He told me that he was just ready to drop the hammer on the BG closest to his girlfriend (MY FRIEND IS A GOOD RIFLE SHOOTER), when he felt the trigger drag and lock..he couldn't get the trigger to move further back. He said he felt as if someone had touched him on the shoulder, then put a finger behind the trigger to prevent it from moving, no matter how much pressure he put on the trigger.

After everyone had calmed down and he had explained the situation to the responding LEO's, he showed the officers' the rifle, when the officer holding the rifle pulled the trigger. Imagine my friend's face when it made a loud "CLICK".
In the excitement, my friend forgot to rack a round into the chamber.

He said he came that close to killing a man, but for some fate, he didn't. He's become a stronger Christian, since that incident, he has moved back to Mississippi.
These are really good posts. I might not post on all of them, but I give you a thumbs up for each one of them.
I GAVE (I know, stupid, stupid, stupid) a new Ruger 10/22 to a family member (not blood relation-my kin are ALL armed and dangerous), because I felt everyone should be capable of defending their family or supplying meat for the pot. The .22 seemed appropriate, since this was the guys first firearm. A place to start, if you will.

Within a year his wife was attacked, in her home, and forced to strip as a prelude to rape. She managed to get to the bedroom ahead of the goblin and close and lock the door. This gave her enough time to get the Ruger and insert the magazine. The BG broke down the door while she was fumbling with the bolt. She could not chamber a round because the bolt hold-open device had been engaged. The BG disarmed her, but the temporary loss of control of the situation and the appearance of the firearm changed the rhythm of the attack, and the BG decided to leave. He was later arrested and convicted. I got to set in the court room and glower (the defense attorney objected to my presence... Heh, heh, heh).

Those of you who are familiar with the Ruger's hold open device know that it is difficult to engage accidently (H*ll!!...it's difficult to engage on purpose!). Her husband claims the bolt was closed when he stored the rifle. Never could understand how the hold-open got engaged.

The victim claims she is glad, in the long run, that she could not shoot the attacker. The BG was a long time friend of the family. Lots of counseling later and she is still messed up. Must have been somewhat messed up before. Therapy is a bottomless pit. She loves it, and can't get enough.

I think dropping a BG, in a sexual assault situation, would have a particulary empowering and cleansing effect on a victim that all the therapy in the world could not replace.
I am probably wrong, and have no studies to back up that thought, but something inside me,real primal and deep, nods in agreement and gives a warm and fuzzy GRRRR!.
i had 2 gfs raped. once in my teens. girl disappeared one day without a word. heard from one of her friends after the longest silence that 2 squids held her down and raped her. she lived on base, it wasn't supposed to be a high-risk housing complex though. i guess she was unlucky maybe. by the way of passing she was a virgin when she was assaulted. i pray for her every now and then.

as for the other, she was raped by a friend. he took her for a walk in the park in broad daylight, shoved her to the ground and forced himself on her. this was when she was in high school long before i met her. i pray for her now and then too.

i usually don't share those stories. they're very private. i brought them out only because of the last post by Will Wilburn: I agree with you, and you may never know how much I do. BGs like that should be dropped. nothing else would cleanse the world as much.

btw, LASur5er does have his thing together :) love his posts. maybe he should be a moderator here or something :)

[This message has been edited by dragontooth73 (edited September 21, 2000).]