When my Masculinity doesn't matter


New member
I've been a gun owner for a couple years now, and when i purchased my first one my friend took me out to go shooting and taught me basically the safety rules for handling a gun, whether it be rifle, handgun, shotgun or whatever else. And man does it feel cool to shoot.

So fastforward 2 years and here I am getting a Montana State License so I can get a concealed carry permit. I Need to take a safety course to do this so i sign up for one. I am still waiting to take it, but in this short time i'm starting to realize how much i JUST DONT KNOW about firearms. I come from a family that, while not against guns at all, doesn't have and hasn't had a use for them. Never having had experience other than a VERY inadequate 1 day training in Basic Training, I find myself more and more inept than i previously thought. So i decided to look up some things, join TFL and read posts about what people have to say on guns, but even then the jargon and technical speak can get over my head sometimes.

So this is where my manhood takes the backseat and it doesn't bother me in the least. I took a look at Pax's website corneredcat.com. From what i can tell, and from a few other spots i peeked at specifically written for women, they are written with a much more basic level of explanation and very thorough in their approach. I'm finding that even though I was at a website dedicated to women, I was able to gain quite a bit of knowledge that just made better sense than other places I've visited.

So the moral of the story...When it comes to the possession and function of something as powerful as a gun, you can't let your pride get in the way of learning the RIGHT way to handle it all.

Thanks Pax
Pax's website is a good reference for all new shooters, and the referrals from TFL to it are pretty consistent. You're absolutely right about this:
When it comes to the possession and function of something as powerful as a gun, you can't let your pride get in the way of learning the RIGHT way to handle it all.
LOL masculinity has nothing do with marksmanship

hmmm lets see - ten women who have never touched a gun in their lives and want to learn or ten macho guys that have been shooting for a couple years and know everything there is about shooting shows up for a ten seat limit course

which do i want?

most instructors here know the answer to that one :-)
haha true medic....but INTITIALLY it would feel the same to me as if i were to take a women's self defense course...or a water aerobics class.

Both get the job done but its the stigma attached that my still young/prideful nature puts walls around
bazookajeff ~

Thanks so much for the kind words. Means a lot to me. :cool:

Here's the Sekrit Code Words that might help restore your damaged masculinity: "I needed to check out that site to be sure it was teaching the right things for my wife/girlfriend/female co-worker."

Also works for the book, btw. I've probably sold more books to guys than to gals, but every single one of the guys was buying it for a woman he knows. ;)


On a more serious note, you really should not feel bad about not knowing it all to start out with. Most newer shooters these days did not grow up around guns, don't speak the language, and need a thorough intro to the basics. There's absolutely no shame in wanting or needing that kind of solid foundation -- but there's plenty of shame in needing it but being too proud to seek it out. Good for you for being smart about it. That's a sign of a strong man.

to be perfectly honest, once i reached the decision that I needed to develop habits on a regular basis to teach myself control, safety for handling on a regular basis and confidence ESPECIALLY getting a CCW, I wasn't too particular about where i got the info from. I just wanted other people who might be in my situation to realize it's ok to get info from wherever that's offering it up.
I agree, and to add to what Pax said, our nation could sure use more men and women like you. Best wishes, stay safe and have fun! :cool:
Don't look at it as your manhood taking a back seat, instead it's being the better man.

It's going to be worse when you carry, example; My GF and I were at a Chili's restaurant for dinner, she is Vietnamese, I'm a white guy. There was an intoxicated racist in the bar area that took issue with me, I know I heard "race traitor". He was asked to leave by the manager after I was forced to complain.

Even though I was thoroughly ticked off, I knew I had to avoid a confrontation because I was carrying.
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I want to shoot like that little girl...


Many trainers find women to be much better students because men let their masculinity get in the way of learning. As if a guys should already know how to shoot because, you know, he's a guy! I've never been afraid to ask questions or take direction, because I want to be safe, and I want to get better.
I've seen that video before but I just noticed that the shotgun has a cut off barrel at an angle, what's that for?
There is no room for ego in most important areas, IMO. Firearms handling is an important area, IMO.
Learn what you can, where you can. Then, evaluate the information based on correctness, applicability, and usefulness.

I've heard a few guys who would seem, at first glance, to be highly qualified to give advice offer up some terrible suggestions. I've also seen great instruction from people who don't have the most experience in their area. The difference was that the good instructors knew their own limits and the limit of their knowledge. They sought out confirmation from people who had the experience to judge their ideas, or made it clear that their ideas were untested. The other guy just boasted, and straight made up things to reinforce the impression that he knew what he was talking about.
haha i'm really not very macho to begin with, It just seemed an important point to bring up about instruction taking the front seat to ANY type of behaviour that woudl get in the way
It's asign of mans' Character..

that acknowledges he does know everything!

Just get all those pumps of knowledge flowing at the rate you are comfortable with and ENJOY!

Try different shooting venues: aka - Bowling pins, NRA Bullseye, silhouette, etc
for really understanding your firearm and its capabilities that you can achieve.

Welcome and GOOD LUCK! :)

"Also works for the book, btw. I've probably sold more books to guys than to gals, but every single one of the guys was buying it for a woman he knows."

Did you write this?!?!? I just ordered it for my wife!

Delivery estimate: Mar. 21, 2013 - Mar. 23, 2013
1 "The Cornered Cat: A Woman's Guide to Concealed Carry"

bazookajeff89, since I joined this forum, I spend waaayyy to much time here. Be careful!
