When Jihadists come for you

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Some one sent me this. Not news to anyone on this forum but might make a difference next week to people on the fence, I hope. I added a few links to the end.

If you don't support the 2nd Amendment take a moment ask yourself what you really think about the following:

Law Enforcement/Security

Law Enforcement/Security either won't be present when Jihadists come for you or likely ambushed during the first moments. Your best chance lies with an armed citizen willing to defend himself and therefore you. Are you willing to wait for Law Enforcement, depend on a part time possibly unarmed Security guard or do you want at least the potential of some lawfully armed citizen(s) there and able to defend you? Or maybe you think you'll be safe in a Gun Free Zone when Jihadists come for you? It seems the Jihadists think they are safer in the Gun Free Zones themselves since that's where they usually appear.

5 or 50 or 500 rounds

There's been millions and millions of "Assault Weapons" produced since WWII; some say over 100 million AK-47s alone. Many, many, many millions more high capacity magazines than that. Do you really believe when Jihadists come for you they won't have both? Do you want your citizen defenders to have fewer than, only as many or more high capacity magazines available when Jihadists come for you? Or put another way, would you prefer your citizen defenders have 5 or 50 or 500 rounds to defend you with?

7 or 70 or 700 rounds per minute

Some claim Assault Weapons fire 700 rounds per minute like that's reality. Reality is even trained personnel can't change magazines fast enough to maintain anywhere near that rate of fire. But when Jihadists come for you would you rather your citizen defenders have 7, 70 or 700 rounds per minute capability to defend you with?

Less or equal or better weapon

Some claim the 2nd Amendment only covers smooth bore single shot muskets in use when the Constitution was written. Weapons that won't produce accurate fire at a rate fast enough to make ANY difference in your defense. When Jihadists come for you do you want your citizen defenders to have less capable, as capable or more capable weapons to defend you with? Some claim Assault Weapons are too "powerful" for mere citizens. When Jihadists come for you do you want your citizen defenders to have less powerful, as powerful or more powerful weapons to defend you with?

We don't know how many government agents follow the terrorist watch lists but say 500 agents. We don't know their case load but say 20 cases. That's possibly 10,000 on the watch lists already but likely many more than that. Most of the latest Jihadists weren't even considered dangerous enough to make these watch lists. Consider that in your answers to the questions.

Most Conservatives support the PUBLIC having the best equipment available to defend themselves. Most Liberals want the best available also. But just for THEM, not when the 10,000 Jihadists come for YOU.



In the last link youll find VP Candidate Tim Kahne among those who participated in the sit in. That alone SHOULD scare any 2A supporter.

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More right wing scare tactics. Pick something extremely unlikely to happen in the US to any particular person and pose "what if" sorts of scenarios. Come on.

Its not news to anyone because it isn't news. It is a fabricated scenario.

Isn't the real danger the one we face from robbers, rapists, drug addicts, gang bangers, and derranged family members? These are the one that day in and day out cause so much harm.
Isn't the real danger the one we face from robbers, rapists, drug addicts, gang bangers, and derranged family members? These are the one that day in and day out cause so much harm.

I'll admit, I have no idea where the "real danger" is going to come from. If everyone knew this, they would most surely avoid it. Will it come from a natural disaster like a hurricane Katrina? A violent flash mob? Urban riot? Occupy Wall Street? Trump campaign rally where outsiders are paid to cause trouble? Post election chaos? Some group trying to start a revolution? Convenience store hold-up?

All of these things have happened and all of these things will happen again. I have no fear of rapists, little fear of drug addicts and gang bangers, and no fear of a deranged family member. That leaves robbers and.....other stuff. If I'm unarmed and confronted by a robber, chances are I can give him my crappy car and my wallet with $10 in it and he will leave me alone. If any of the other stuff happens, I don't think these folks will be satisfied with just my wallet and an old car!
DNS said:
Its not news to anyone because it isn't news. It is a fabricated scenario.

Isn't the real danger the one we face from robbers, rapists, drug addicts, gang bangers, and derranged family members?
Tell the families of the victims of the Pulse Club and San Bernardino shootings that it's a fabricated scenario.

Evil doesn't call ahead to make appointments. Those who choose to be prepared for self defense can't know ahead of time who or what they may be defending against. It might be a mugger on the street, it might be a home invader, it might be a road rager, ir might be a bank robber ... or it might be an Islamic jihadist. We can't possibly predict where, when, or how any of the above might strike. What we can be fairly certain about is that, of all those "fabricated" scenarios, the one that's likely to need the greatest firepower in response to the attack is the Islamic jihadist.
I'll straighten this out:
1) one side way over exagerates the threat.
2) the other side underestimates the threat.

But, somewhere in between there is a threat.

Local criminals are still your biggest threat, even bigger still is car accidents, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. You are more likely to die at the hands of a "friendly" government agency than any enemy combatant on US soil.
even bigger still is car accidents, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. You are more likely to die at the hands of a "friendly" government agency than any enemy combatant on US soil.

We are ALL going to die. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc. are all part of life. You can fix ten major health problems with pills and knives, and I assure you that another one is going to pop up and kill you.

The question is: do you want to live your life and die as a free person? Does that mean anything to you? Dying is a given. Living your life out as a free person is not.
Yes, everyday life will most likely get us. That's what I was trying to illustrate.
I don't go to the doctor anymore, so I won't die of disease. Lol.
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