When is it time to pull the trigger?

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The laws here in my state allow you to shoot a bad guy in situations where I personally don't think it's acceptable. If a bad guy has a knife and is threatening you, you can just go ahead and shoot him (assuming he has you cornered) you don't have to warn him first. Also if your being robbed, and all the bad guy wants is money, you can just break your gun out and shoot him if he has a weapon. Anyway, I personally think you need to give them a fair warning first. I think the only time you should pull the trigger, is when your left with no choice. When you or someone else is GOING to get killed if you don't pull the trigger. Anyway, when would you guys pull the trigger on a bad guy? I look foward to some interesting replies.
An old saying took me to Vietnam and back, . . . 3 times, . . . and I have no doubt there are men and women from the sandboxes who can echo the same sentiment: "He who hesitates is lost".

You need to first give up this idea that you are going to stand and decipher that this situation is _______ so I don't shoot, . . . this situation is _______ so I do shoot.

You need to train for real world scenarios, . . . no you cannot train for every one, . . . (but you can hit the high points), . . . then rely on your training.

Someone pulls a knife on me, . . . one of us is going to get cut real bad or shot real bad, . . . take that to the bank. The knife is not an ivitation to Sunday School, . . . it is a deadly threat to my being that I will answer with 240 grain copper jacketed lead.

Threaten my family with harm, . . . you better be on good terms with your maker, . . . I am with mine, . . . and one of us is going to be in His presence right real quick.

No, . . . straght up, . . . you sound like a troll, . . . trying to rationalize that no one should be shot, . . . and I'll just be the kind of person that tells you in no uncertain terms that there are people in this world who just need a good shootin'.

That is the only thing that will adjust their attitude so they can continue to assoiciate with civilized people, albeit they will be dirt temperature as they do it.

May God bless,
I suggest the OP take several realistic training classes and engage the serious literature on self-defense.

The post is exceedingly naive and I don't see any use in it.

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