When guns are outlawed, will outlaws use knives?


Staff Alumnus
Man stabs three aboard Amtrak train
10.45 a.m. ET (1447 GMT) August 26, 1999

By Amy Beth Graves, Associated Press

OLMSTED FALLS, Ohio (AP) — A man stabbed and wounded two conductors and a passenger aboard an Amtrak train outside Cleveland early today, police said.

A suspect was arrested when a passenger, in a crowd leaving the stopped train, told police, "That's him. That's him.''

The suspect stabbed a conductor, then started slashing at people within his reach, wounding the two other victims, Olmsted Township police Chief Dennis McCafferty said. The suspect was wounded in a hand.

The three victims and the suspect were hospitalized, as was a fifth person who complained of chest pains.

Police said there was no apparent motive, adding they didn't believe the suspect
knew the victims. An 8-inch knife was found in the suspect's pants.

Patrolman Kim Kort, a crime scene technician, said it appeared the attack began in a dining car. It wasn't immediately clear whether some of the victims were stabbed in other cars, but police found heavy blood in two other cars and blood trails through four.

Jessica Franz, 17, of Detroit, was asleep when a wounded conductor stumbled into her compartment and fell.

"It was such a shock,'' said Franz, who was on her way to school at Smith College in Massachusetts. "I'm just glad it's over.''

The Lake Shore Limited, which runs daily between Chicago and New York, was approaching Cleveland with 330 people aboard when the attacks began at about 1 a.m.

A conductor stopped the train in Olmsted Falls, 14 miles southwest of Cleveland.

"When officers got on the scene there was a lot of pandemonium. People were pouring out of the train,'' McCafferty said.

McCafferty said he could not verify an earlier report that the suspect apparently
was wounded as passengers wrested the knife from him.

The suspect and victims were not identified. The other passengers were taken on buses to Cleveland.

One stabbing victim, a man in his mid-30s, was likely to have surgery for wounds to his cheek and jaw, said Patrick Garmone, a spokesman at St. John West Shore in suburban Westlake.

A woman in her mid-50s who complained of chest pains and anxiety was in stable condition, he said.

A 52-year-old man stabbed in the head was in surgery at Cleveland MetroHealth Medical Center, spokesman Kelly Goodale said. A 26-year-old man stabbed in the shoulder and chin was in stable condition.

Goodale said the 41-year-old suspect was in stable condition.

Jackie Mallory, 50, of Chicago, was still shaking when she stepped off the train for the bus trip into Cleveland.

"It's been a long night,'' she said.

Something the bannits like to screech is, "The criminals wouldn't do what they do if they didn't have guns! They're too cowardly to get their hands dirty!"


"An Eley's No. 2 is an excellent argument
with gentlemen who can twist steel pokers
into knots."
--Sherlock Holmes
"The criminals wouldn't do what they do if they didn't have guns! They're too cowardly to get their hands dirty!"

Yeah, and a cell phone and a noise maker are all you need to protect yourself from these "cowardly", gun-toting criminals.

Peals of derisive laughter, Bruce.

PS. What happened to the mamba? Bring back the mamba!! :)

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
There's nothing to worry about.
If we follow Australia's lead, shortly after guns are outlawed, they'll ban those knives too.
Eventually, they'll get to bows & arrows, slingshots, baseball bats, rocks, bricks and various kitchen utensils.
Every history book I have read to include the book of books, the Bible, shows that murder, robbery, and assault have always happened. Weapons have changed but PEOPLE HAVEN'T. The old sin nature continues to progress.
I can tell you this. I can take out three people with a knife very quickly and no one will know what happened until the bodies hit the floor. Try that with a gun. Even a silencer makes noise.
Of course you all should know the objective is not to curb crime but to take our weapons away.
The objective is for the government to have guns and the citizens have nothing. Criminals are only giving them excuses to take our legal guns away.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
I have a friend in England who says that most of the criminals over there use knives, because its too hard to get guns. According to him, the english cops can disarm knife wielding suspects with their nightsticks, without any trouble. He says its our "bucketloads of guns" that cause all our school shootings, and that all americans think theyre john wayne and want to go around toting guns. His mentality is typical of the people over there.
It could be that some of the people in England have an antigun outlook but I have two friends that are coming to the US for a 3 day shoot in September. They are as much progun as the members of TFL.

How soon will the AMTRAK attack be forgotten? Just as fast as the sword attack on the New York ferry was. The only gun there was in the hands of a retired NYPD copper who center punched the swordsman. No way to blame the NRA, gunowners, firearms or "the usual suspects" for knife or sword attacks.

If I wanted to do massive harm to a croud of people I would NOT use a firearm but would use a well sharpened machete. Long enough for some reach, light enough to be fast to use and sharp enough to cut deep.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited August 26, 1999).]
Jim V, Sounds to me like you've been to Honduras and seen what a true machet person can do.
The English Bobbies were not on the train with their expertise in night sticks, Jim wasn't there with his machete, obviously none of the passengers had thought to bring a pistol along, probably as illegal as doing so on an air carrier, no armed train deputies.
Like my wife said when we saw it on the news
"Why didn't someone shoot the bastard!"
We know why, none of the folks involved had a way to take care of business.
When guns are outlawed, will outlaws use knives?

Oh, you mean like the incident here in Perth last night? Man breaks into a woman's house (she's there by herself), sexually assaults her, then when she struggles, stabs her twice in the stomach with a semi-auto, assault, hi-cap screwdriver.

At the risk of being repetitious, I remind you that it is illegal to own a firearm for the purposes of self-defence in this country.


[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited August 26, 1999).]
The year 2046:

Er, pardon me sir, but do you have a permit for that tennis ball?

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
Had any of those passengers had a pistol, and used it, they would now be sitting in a cell charged with, at the very minimum, attempted murder, carrying a concealed weapon and a host of other charges. This happened in Ohio, it happened less than 20 miles from where I live, and I have to rely on TFL for news of it. OTOH, if a passenger had used a gun to put the idiot to rest, it would have been front page news, all bad for the good guy.
remember rowanda? they had wholesale slaughter uses machetes and knives and axes.
firearms were invented to stop the powerful from destroying the weak.
i was at the public library with the wife. while waiting for her, i browsed thru some fairly current time magazines. in one a guy was trying to editorilize the myth of the american gun culture. he tried to claim that people only bought colts because they were marketed well. also that handgun deaths between 1800-1850 were only 10% of all murders. so see,people were just fine without them.
if you think about that it will make your head swimm.
when people are now re-writing history to such an extent that basic selfdefense is never ever even mention-we are in deep doo-doo!