I read the threads about various laws, both on the books and still in the legislature, and it makes me wonder, when does it end? At what point does the gun owners version of Rosa Parks say, "I don't care if it's the law, it's wrong"? Blacks didn't wait for the political winds to blow their way, they fought for their rights. Women didn't just wake up one day and discover they'd been granted the right to vote. We keep saying the second amendment was designed to prevent tyranny, yet we keep sliding closer to tyranny every year. Every time they pass a new law abridging our constitutional rights we seem to say, "I'll let you get away with it this time, but that's it". Of all the groups that could march for their rights you'd think gun owners would be the most persuasive. How big an impression would it make if 10,000 armed citizens turned up in DC to protest? I'm not talking about violence, just protest.
I'm not some wacko living in a shack somewhere surrounded by MRE's and back issues of SOF, I'm just an average working stiff. But, I am fed up with what is going on and the direction we're headed. You don't need a PhD in history to know that we're repeating some big mistakes. I just wonder, how long it will be before somebody throws another Tea Party?
I'm not some wacko living in a shack somewhere surrounded by MRE's and back issues of SOF, I'm just an average working stiff. But, I am fed up with what is going on and the direction we're headed. You don't need a PhD in history to know that we're repeating some big mistakes. I just wonder, how long it will be before somebody throws another Tea Party?