When did it "Click" for you?

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Will Beararms

New member
I grew up in S AR hunting since age five. I never saw the need for a semi-auto handgun until.....Once day about 10 years ago. I had taken my number one customer out to lunch for Chinese. I ate one of those black peppers and instantly, my head began to spin. I was able to get him back to his office, call in to my boss and make it to the hotel room where I collapsed around 2:00 PM. I had turned CNN on before going to sleep. When I awoke, the LA Riots were raging at 1:00 AM the next morning. I stayed awake the watching in horror as a section of the city was basically blocked off and the residents were left to fend for themselves. The next day, I went out and bought a Norinco 1911 variant and haven't stopped since. Then and there, I understood what can happen if you're not prepared. Of particular note is the fact that those in the riot area who were armed were not threatened on the same scale as those who were not--------re: the Korean store owners and the blonde guy in the jeep with a AK 47 Copy who waived it as he drove through the streets.
It "clicked" for me when I worked in a psychiatric unit. Some whackjob threatened to rape and murder my then wife and 2 year old daughter because I would no tolerate him upsettnig other patients on the unit.

Didn't take it, or him, too seriously, until I found out he lived a few blocks from my house.
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