When all h#@l breaks loose!


Walked into a quick food establishment today, scanned the place, (one couple, holding hands; one group of 7 workers....all wearing same uniform; one couple, looks like son and elderly mom and two other people quietly sitting at their tables.) It was late afternoon and everyone just looked worn out. I figured, it was in the 90 degree temperature, might help if I ate in the place instead of in my car.

So, I'm sitting at a table where I can see most everybody except the first couple. I'm waiting for my food to be brought to my table.

Just when the food is dropped off at my table, I hear from the couple behind me, "What are you doing?"
I turn slightly and see the guy holding the girl's wrists tightly on the table. She is trying hard to twist out of his grasp.
Seeing me turn, the boy of the couple says loudly."Mind your own D@&^ business, mister, unless you want to get some of what she is gettingl!"
Just then the boy reaches across the table and back hands her across the table.
One of the guys in uniform yells. "Hey! Cut it out!'
The boy shoves his girlfriend towards the seated group.

During this brief period, I have grabbed my food tray and started skedaddling like a scaulded shellfish....out of the restaurant!
At the table with the seven guys, one guy catches the girl, another guy sitting in the group yells, "Emily! It's my cousin!"
At that, the guys jump up ready to fight.

All h@** is about to break loose!

You have your CCW and your cellphone. One of the guys for GP comes after you.

What do you do?

I shoved the tray in his hands just as he lifts his hand like he is going to punch me, I scoop my burger and drink off the tray and jump into my car and locked the door.
We can only hope that the 7 guys (utility workers, or whoever) taught punky boy a good lesson in chivalry...or at least that he can't go around smacking women.

You made the good choice to clear out as you did.
Put a table or a chair between you and the enemy. If possible use that tray as a shield/contact weapon. Get the nearest exit...clear out and call 911.

Draw only IF your live is in real danger. I prefer to engage this BG with bare hands if no other choice is available.
I see nothing in this situation so far that would lead me to draw a firearm, even if things did get worse and I couldn't get away. But my hand would have been on the OC in case I needed it, always keep the OC close by!
Whew yeah, get outta dodge real quick. The crew that works there should be on the horn really quick. Someone's' cousin was slapped by the wannabe pimp, the workers are going to get some...

You didn't see anything, time to be on your way.
Seems like you made pretty good usage of that "tactical foodtray". No additional actions were necessary from your part.
Okay, so why did one of the guys of the 'GP' come after you? That sounded strange. Other than looking at the 'boy' holding the girl's wrist, did you do anything to warrant attention or one of the guys trying to stop you? Were you the only person the guys tried to deal with?

I just love these. So you had your CCW and a cell phone. Whether or not your CCW was there is sort of moot for the situation. Probably a lot of things you had with you were moot for the situation.

Obviously, if you took the time to scoop your burger and drink off of the tray you just forced into the hands of a person you thought was going to hit you, then you really must not have been all that scared or bothered. If so, you would have abandoned the burger and drink.
i'm sorry

but i don't walk out on that girl. i know some of you will flame me for the legal hassles, but i don't walk out. i'm fairly adept at defending myself, especially from "big guys" that are so tough they can hit women. now i'm not quite sure of the entire situation here. this punk slaps this girl, then pushes her towards the other seven workers at the food place? but one of the workers has told him to "cut it out"? am i misreading? anyway, i don't leave her there, but i'm not blasting either.
hey jc...

My understanding is that the punk nailed his GF and this brought the attention of the crew of workers. One realized that the lady being tagged was his cousin (why he didn't realize this when he came in or when the couple came in, I don't know = situational awareness?). Guy got up to draw and quarter the punk that slapped his cousin. Guy's buddies get up too to make sure their bud doesn't get interrupted/blindsided. One of the crew probably saw LA as a potential threat and went to intercept him?

If it looked like the guys were going to start doing bad stuff to the woman or the restaurant folks then make sure 911 is called. If they are just focusing on the punk, I didn't see anything.

Another alternate scenario... no group of workers. Guy beating down the woman but no one intervenes. Seems like a good time to slap on a rear naked choke or other sub. (or just go for takedown --> dominant position) until 5-0 arrives. If the guy steps up and it goes to blows, it's always good to know how to KTFO someone before they can deploy a weapon. (read: ccws are great but MMA skills can bring very useful less lethal alternatives). Tactics trumps all and in this case I think LA did a great job.
Thanks for the responses, guys.

I saw that the 7 guys who appeared to work together and sounded like they party together were doing a good job of showing indignation at the way the guy was treating his GF. They all got up and blocked the BG from hitting his GF further.
I think the guy that chased me out of the restaurant just wanted to hit somebody....you guys can relate to that like what happens in a brawl, right? I wasn't in the same mood...especially with him having 6 buddies to back him up. So I figured bugging out was the better part of valor.

Sorry, Blackhawk....GP=General Purposes.

Thanks again, guys...just another day in L.A..
I once was driving through St louis and saw a man in front of me whip his car over to the curb. He then began to backhand the woman in the passenger seat. I pulled up in front of him and got out to write down his plate number (I did'nt have a cell phone back then)...he then got out of his car, walked around the other side and jerked the woman from the car. He then began to pummel her pretty good. I was afraid he was about to do her severe harm so I stepped closer and told him I had just called the cops. He told me to F*ck off........so I went closer and put a controlling lock on his arm, thus pulling him off the poor woman on the ground in front of him.........guess what happened?

SHE got up as quickly as she could and went to swinging hard and wild as she slapped me and tried to claw at my face! Her attack was sufficient enough to cause me to let the male loose and then for a few terrorably long moments I had both of them on me. I managed to get loose and I ran (even beyond my car)

I made it to a gas/convienience store before he (HE was chasing me) turned back. I watched as they both got back in the car (she got in willingly and first) and sped off down the block.

I probably shouldn't have, but when I walked back to my truck and picked up the ink pen and the slip of paper with his plate number off the hood. I crumpled the paper, pitched it and drove off. Thinking "No good deed goes unpunished".

I am not saying not to get involved, all I am saying is that anytime you must physically intervene to defend a woman from her male attacker, take into consideration that it may be a regular occurence with them and that she may well attack her defender. Crazy sounding, but it did happen to me......just food for thought.

Freedom requires bravery and vigilance.
I scoop my burger and drink off the tray and jump into my car and locked the door.

Thank goodness you saved your thirst quinching drink and tasty burger from any potential harm.

"Anyone makes a move towards my burger and 44oz of pepsi get's one to the head, i'm walking out, very slowly, the burger, drink and myself are going for a ride, no one better follow."