When a biker gang attacks with knives and clubs...

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New member
I saw this article pop up where an NYC motorist was viciously attacked by a biker gang with knives and clubs. Apparently one of the bikers had purposely stopped short in front of the vehicle causing a collision then the bikers went on a violent rampage after the driver dragging him out of the car slashing him with knives and beating him right in front of his family. Fortunately, the police were able to arrest at least a few of the bikers.


I watched the full video and I thought there were a lot of mistakes made. The bikers or the motorist should have called the police immediately and stayed on the phone with them until their arrival.

One thing which rings out true in most of these situations, if not all, is the police are not called immediately...the police are not given the opportunity to sort this out and the situation is handled in their own way. For some reason there is this taboo against calling the police. I say this sincerely that the police are your friends although it may not seem that way at times especially in the media where the police are depicted always in a negative way. When there is any hint of a violent confrontation, even if a crime hasnt happened yet, call the police. Whatever happens when the police are called will be better then a violent confrontation like this where someone loses their legs and others get needlessly arrested. Never try to handle things in your own personal way because this is the end result.
The minute the safety provided by my windows and doors was breached, its time to start defending. If I wasn't armed I put the pedal to the metal. Bikes usually lose to minivans.
Not a good situation at all, and hope the injured fully recover.
I'm not sure a handgun in NYC would have been a (lawful) option.
In other locations, maybe different. Further dealing with a 'swarm' is a very difficult decision.

Lots of traffic laws appear to have been broken but that's pretty academic now.

I'd love to hear what a local NYC'er has to say, as their rules appear to be very different than much of the rest of the country.
The driver DID put the pedal to the metal after the initial accident and rammed several to get away and what happened was he ended up unable to move in NYC traffic and was swarmed.

I also wish folks would stop calling these squids bikers. Squids are disorganized fools on crotch rockets. They were all over the road and presented a danger to everyone to include themselves even before the initial self caused accident. An actual motorcycle club, riding club, or association, goes on a large run like that in order, and all together. There is a particular route, and particular officers in particular positions. The goal being to enjoy the ride and get to the location to have a good time and be together. Safely and with every member accounted for. The actual end location might end up looking a bit chaotic after a few hours but that is their business.

The best thing to do in my opinion if some posse of clowns ends up all over the road like that is to get off the highway and wait till they pass. Call the highway patrol on the cellular and let them start getting the squids off the road. A couple of bikes is no match for a car. A whole swarm of idiots hell bent on revenge for what they themselves caused anyway is going to get you if heavy traffic is involved.

I would have never gotten off of the free way. His vehicle was way more capable than theirs.

I would have had a passenger on with 911 describing the incident and planning a meeting point with authorities. Once I had that point pre determined I would have done everything I could have with my vehicle in order to get there. Medians, shoulders, wrong way lanes, etc etc.

This is nothing more than modern gang violence and should not be tolerated.

To summarize, if I am being attacked by a group of bikers and they put themselves in front of my vehicle in an attempt to keep me from leaving I am going to run over whatever is in front of me in order to leave. If that happens to be your bike or you because you put yourself there I am sorry but that is not my problem. I am going to act to defend my family.

Regards, Vermonter
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