Wheelchair guy still pro-gun...

Rob Pincus

New member
My wife gave a presentation today on the Media Bias against firearms and after she was done this guy wheeled himself up to her and said he wanted tot alk to her. So she starts thinking "uh-oh.."

Anyway, turns out he was shot when he was 15 by a friend who came over to his house and was playing with agun. Now all the issues about storage, kids, etc... put aside. The guy was die-hard pro-gun and 100% pro education for kids about safe handling of guns. He never said a word about trigger locks, liability, confiscation or any other anti-gun buzzword issue.

God Bless that guy. I hope we all would feel the same if put in a chair by an accident.

Also, There Wheelin Sportsmen of America is having a big hunt in Alabama (I think it is an annual event) where they team up celebrities with disabled hunters and have a big deer hunt. The women have a day in Decmeber and the men in January. Wheelin Sporstmen of America is a great organization for wheelchair bound shooters. Anyone wanting more info about the event or the organization, send me an Email. Also, if anyone out there would like to donate some stuff to the event for drawings, auctions, etc. get in touch. I am involved in a lot of these type of Charity events. If it is okay with everyone, I will post info about them every once in a while. Maybe if one of them ends up in your back yard you can find a way to participate.


Rob, you should get this guy into contact with the NRA. If he's as eloquent as he is clear-headed, he could make an excellent spokesperson.
No offense, Morgan, you are probably right, but that is an Anti tactic to me.
"Hey, look. He'd make a great poster child!"

Me carting this guy around wouldn't be any better than what HCI does with Jim Brady. I'll let him know when things are going on and encourage him to particpate, but I'm not getting to feed him to the wolves, as it were.

Rob: None taken - I wasn't really thinking of making him a poster child per se, more thinking that the liberati would be more likely to really listen to this man than some ex-SEAL or such. I believe that the hardest part of convincing an anti-gunner that guns aren't inherently evil is getting them to actually listen to and think about the facts.

I was thinking of what you said - encourage him to participate, let him know he could make a difference, and leave it at that.
Rob-Remember that Jim Brady has done more to hurt us than any other person not named Brady.

We are NOT winning. Why not use what works?

Better days to be,

Rob, I know a fella who was accidently shot by a friend when he was 15. If your "Wheelchair guy" is named Al, ask him about his trips to Alaska. He goes camping and canoeing and has a bzillion stories - each more fascinating than the last one.