WhAzSSUaUHHP!?!? Prepare to laugh until you have to pick your ass up off the floor .

Mike Irwin
(Senior Member):
"Interesting that this came back. The original site got shut down after threatening letters from AP..."

Whoops . . . ; )
I'm studying for my finals in Old Testament! THANK YOU for making my day! :D

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited May 08, 2000).]
Old Testament, that's what we need. "Then the Earth opened and swallowed the entire (city of Washington D.C.) city and all the evil doers were lost!"

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!
#1. Why was my message edited?
#2. Hey now, DOC! You can swallow up the city as long as you leave Georgetown and the 9:30 club alone!
I showed the original Geocities one at the office and one guy about fell out of his chair laughing. It was gone by noon that day, due to threats from AP's lawyers.

It then showed up on Playboy's site at http://www.playboy.com/digital/inthenews.html

They have the 1st Amendment lawyers to wrangle with the AP. Good story on the origin of "Elian Wassup".