Whats your pet load in your C&B revolver?


New member
Hello all, I’ve been playing around with my Cap & Ball revolvers for some time & have come out of this experience that each of my revolvers has their own likes & dislikes in bullets, powder charges & caps.

Since I’ve been mostly just replying to others posts I thought to give my info to you all & hopefully others will also share their pet loads.. :D
Mind you these are averaged velocities of 10 shots & the groups were measured of a 5 shot group at 25 yards.

My oldest Cap & Ball is my Pietta 1860 Army so I’ll begin with it.
.457 144gr. Ball
30gr. FFFG Goex
#10 Remington caps
Crisco over the ball
861fps. 235ft. lbs. spread = 51. my most accurate load from this pistol averaging 2.0 inch groups “lighter or heavier seems to open the groups up.”
.451 200gr. Lee cast & lubed bullets.
25gr. FFFG Goex
#10 Remington caps
817fps. 293ft. lbs. spread = 65. a good hitter & pretty accurate but not easy to load in the field, average groups = 2.4 inch.

Pietta 1858 New Army.
.457 144gr. Ball
35gr. FFFG Goex
#11 Remington caps
Dry lubed wad under ball
918fps. 267ft. lbs. spread = 43. This pistol loves this potent load at an average group of 1.5 inch, interestingly it’ll spread to 2.0 inches if I use Crisco over the ball instead of the wad, & a lighter load seems to stay the same but a heavier load will tend to open up a bit, also this load is great for taking Fox & yotes out.
.451 200gr. Lee cast & lubed bullets.
25gr. FFFG Goex
#11 Remington caps
824fps. 298ft. lbs. spread = 61. I get my best groups if I load with the bench loader instead of the pistol’s loader also it is interesting that this is the same load as my 1860 but a little faster in velocity. 2.2 inch groups average.

Uberti 3rd model Dragoon, I’ve recently given my brother this pistol to keep so long as I got my 1858 back.
.457 144gr. Ball “I’ve personally did this test a few years ago.”
35gr. FFFG Goex
#11 CCI caps
Dry lubed wad under ball
902fps. 258ft. lbs. spread = 63. Again it’s interesting about the difference of velocity between pistols, I’m a firm believer of not using fillers cept for a wad under the ball but this light load “for this beast” produced the best groups of 2.3 inch, heavier loads definitely opened up the groups but were more fun & I never really tried a lighter load than this.
.454 235gr. Custom bullets “my brother had this .45 ACP mould opened up a little for the larger diameter requirement of this beastie, I’ve witnessed it’s capabilities but not its accuracy.”
35gr. FFFG Goex
#11 CCI caps
862fps. 382ft. lbs!! spread = 77. Now this is a awesome knock down load & I was able to hit decently on target “using some Kentucky English” but I’ve yet to bench this load to see its best accuracy, my brother swears by this load for back woods packin, cept ofcorse his .44 Mag.

My new toy, Pietta 1858 New Army 5.5” barrel.
.457 144gr. Ball
35gr. FFFG Goex
#11 Remington caps
Dry lubed wad under ball
875fps. 242ft. lbs. spread = 54. Now I’m still in the regulating part of this revolver but this load seems to be promising at averaging 2.2 inch groups but still low & slightly left “I may have to get a dovetailed front sight to cure its left issue.
This’ll be purely a ball loaded piece for back woods, camp, & fun shooting so I may not consider using any conical bullets in her plus my Lee mould is worn out & I don’t plan to replace it & Ball is a lot easier to load in the field.
Same load cept 40gr. FFFG charge
941fps. 280ft. lbs spread = 68. very potent & quite stout in the hand but shooting at the target at 25 yards made it clear that I need to lighten up the load so to keep from having to file all my front sight away to bring it up.

Now my friends, what are y-alls pet loads for your Cap & Ball revolvers?
I generally load 35 grs. and .454 balls in both my 58 remmys and 60 Colt. I don't punch a lot of paper, it's too boring. I can consistently hit a softball sized target at 25 yds. tho.
Hawg Haggen said:
I generally load 35 grs. and .454 balls in both my 58 remmys and 60 Colt. I don't punch a lot of paper, it's too boring. I can consistently hit a softball sized target at 25 yds. tho.

I as well rarely shoot anything that doesn't tend to move when hit like soup cans & AOL CD's "ofcorse I have a big sheet down to catch the mess though" but like my little 1858 with the 5.5" barrel where it was shooting 3" left & 14" low I've had to do some work on the front sight & widen the right side of the V grove to get her close to POA for me.
In a situation like that I'll punch paper but so far all my pistols have been pretty close. My .58 Enfield was a booger to get to get sighted in.
I load 454 round balls on top of 27 grns of 777 with
a helping of crisco and bees wax to top it off, on a good
day 20yrds all six rounds in a 2 in group thats on a good
day. i finding that i like 777 its a good all round powder.:cool:
I find that you dont use as much 777 per load
to your pyrodex. due to the fact that 777 is much
hotter than pyrodex, and its a lot cleaner to,
i would get real bp if i could, but its like finding
gold in az.:D
I find that you dont use as much 777 per load
to your pyrodex. due to the fact that 777 is much
hotter than pyrodex, and its a lot cleaner to,
i would get real bp if i could, but its like finding
gold in az.

That's true but you get more Pyrodex per lb. 777 was 27.00 last time I saw any, Pyro is 16.00. I don't think it would be economical for me to use 777. Pyro is as easy to clean as bp is. I can find bp but it's a 140 mile trip one way.
Holy moly 27 bucks a lb:eek: well if it gets to that here,
i will have to sell up,:rolleyes: yea right,:D.
280m round trip mmmm, i would have to buy at lest
10lbs to justifi that trip. And pyrodex here cost at lest
21 bucks lb, i have not been down to the store of late,
so i will cmpair prices just to see the dif.:D
My Pietta Remington .44 likes 27-28 gr Goex FFFg and a .454 ball over a lubed Wonder Wad. This particular load is very accurate and shoots POA for me.