whats your opinion?


New member
I found a used tarurs .357 titanium in blue, for $350. and then theres brand new smith and wesson 642 for 50 more bucks. there is only a 4.9 oz differance but thats want comes with the bigger bad ass .357. i didnt shop around for better prices on the S&W yet.

Question is, what do you think the better deal is? i mean more bang for the buck, not just cause its the brand s&w.
Why do want a small frame revolver? IIRC, you want to be a LEO. Do you have a CCW? Is this an impulse purchase? If you are thinking BUG or main CCW, the S&W and the CIA in concealed hammer versions are both good. I would hold off and seek out a 3', round butt, 357 Magnum S&W M65 myself. My 357 Magnum snub is a Colt Lawman MKIII. +1 is a good thing.
In my neck of the woods $350 for a USED Taurus seems to be a little high. I also agree with getting something a little heavier than a lightweight gun to shot 357 in....Unless you enjoy pain that is
still not sure

i am seeking a light gun to carry as my CCW. thats why i was leaning toward the .38 S&W, cause its a tad lighter and smaller. so i dont know if i should spend a little more money for the name or save the bucks and get the bigger gun. i want a light and small frame for carry cause i have a CZ 40P, that weighs in at about 28oz unloaded, and its big. im in school to become a cop, and i wanted to get ready for that part of the course. (I never had, nor shot a hand gun before 2 months ago) so i bought the CZ semi to get used to shooting, take apart, and cleaning. i just got my permit to carry, and i want a comfortable gun. the CZ is not. So.........? :confused: still not sure what is a better value to me to buy. im not too concerned of the price, i just want to stay around $400
i agree on the price seeming a little high...have you checked out gunbroker? ive found some excellent deals on there including my ruger .357 sp101
still looking for some advice!

Im looking at the Tarus and a S&W. not ruger nor a beretta. all though thank you for the time to guide me, these are the 2 guns im interested in getting. the used gun has a bigger bang and the new one has a bigger name. which one would you trust, carry, and enjoy?
I'd probably wind up carrying .38's in the .357 anyway. For only $50 difference, go with the Schmitty.
I would go w/ the S&W only because I really like S&W triggers. They are the best IMO and that is not a brand name loyalty issue for me....I have Colts, Rugers and Dan Wesson, and none of those triggers feel quite like a S&W. JMO.
Taurus' total titanium snubbies are pretty stable little guns. For $50.00 more, the Smith is the better deal of the two, especially when the Smith is new!!!
You may want to search for posts about first guns and see what some experienced instrucors say. I would suggest renting a lightweight at a local range and firing a box of hot 357's if you think you want one. My guess is your comfort scale will instantly add 10-16 oz.

Then I would buy a quality bet and holster and see if that 28 oz. CZ seems more comfortable at the end of a day. You will be surprised at the difference good leather makes.

Good Luck.
Since you have just began shooting handguns I would go with the .38sp. A .357mag in a light weight snub may very well surprise you the first time you pull the trigger. They aren't pleasant to shoot unless you are a recoil junkie.
very enlightened

i was at another local dealer today. after talking with him and what majic had to say, im probaly going with the S&W 642, 15 oz, hammerless, and not a bad price. after talking with this dealer, he said for me as a new carrier, the hammerless is less likely to get caught and make me fumble with it. although the 340pd .357 is amazingly light...12 oz! and the same exact size as the 642. But i think thats too light and way TOO expensive...$650. thanx for the advice :cool: