What's wrong with America? It's Rosie O'Donnell

I need to find a woman who thinks like this:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Rosie is what's wrong with America. There she is, the defiant and belligerent single mother arrogantly dictating answers with the expectation of painless resolution through government. Fix it all, she screams, for the show must go on. The mediocre, in-your-face, calorie-filled escape from reality must feed the masses their much-desired dose of compartmentalization, moral vacuum and regulatory solutions. Rosie - she is us.[/quote]
In the future please provide commentary with your link, as the news at the link may change in a very short time, but commentary on TFL will be around to support data search and discussion for a long, long time.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."

Point well taken. The author is a professor of legal and ethical studies at Arizona State University. Destructo6 has captured the essence of the article. To quote further:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Like a Dooney & Bourke handbag, Rosie is a must-have, even though no one can put a finger on why handbags in goofy colors with a duck emblem would sucker so many. Rosie is a "whatever happens, it's not my fault, and the government can and should fix it" daily dose for a society blissful in ignorance, emotional in response, long past critical thinking and too far gone on the path of self-indulgence to turn back.

Rosie touches the masses who delight in being excused from the pain of their own omissions, commissions and flaws. Rosie makes Mikey and Life cereal ads all that we need know about history. With Rosie, feelings trump scholars, experts, data and truth.[/quote]
You know - reading a thread like this - and the linked article started me out grinning today at work...


Today is going to be a good day...

maybe other people are beginning to see that the antis are way off base with their proposals.
I think that Rosie has her right to speak her mind. That is what many of us spent lots of time in the military, upholding the right to free speech even if it makes you look stupid. Where she is wrong in my opinion is that she reaches out and talks to millions of people daily and they seem to believe her for what ever reason and she has not put much thought into her opinions.. Most of the people that are home in those day time hours watching her show are mush brained people anyway because they are probably the soap opera addicted crowd who have no life of their own. (ever notice that everyone on TV is not watching TV...maried with children excepted) Rosie
started out as a comedian and always took a odd or slanted view of things to make fun of them and probably through that norm she can't take a serious look at any thing without a knee-jerk reaction of some kind. From what I saw in the headlines on the check-out stand rags, she had someone close to her killed and is still hurting from that. I too have had a close friend killed for no reason, but I believe that the adult view is that it was not the gun that killed him it was the person that pulled the trigger.
Yes guns are a problem in our society today. Since it is easier to control the guns than the criminals, that's probably the way the laws will try to go so the politicians can get votes. Look at history and you'll see that in the past they couldn't control people so they controlled the object. Whiskey, automobiles, other manufacturers and now cigaretts. They may not get "gun control" as they (liberals) want it, so while they have a democratic controlled congress they will try to put so many laws on the manufacturers and transportation of weapons that there will be none available to those law abiding citizens that want them. A similar argument about drugs is on its way too.. since you can't control the drug addicts and the flow of drugs into this country, legalize the drugs.. how absurd.
We have the laws on the books that have no teeth in them and that has to be corrected. A person was convicted in Las Vegas of child molestation and was given a 90 day sentence for resisting arrest but for the molestation he was only required to go to counseling for 2 years and was given 5 year probation. He should be killed in my opinion and yes I would pull the trigger and I would gladly supply the bullet.
There is a law that states if you use a gun, you get double the time. The courts have not been enforcing that or they have been making it a concurrent sentence. When you vote for a judge, make sure he is of the right stuff that will gladly put those jerks away for good. To h*** with the bleeding heart people that whine about overcrowded jails. if they didn't do a crime they wouldn't have a problem and it wouldn't bother them. It ticks me off that the jerks in jail have a better life than the people that are law abiding and trying to work for a living. Bring back the chain gangs. Take away the air conditioned jails and make them jerks work for their food. If they don't grow it, they don't eat. If they want to wear clothes, then let them make them for themselves. Yes, weave the cloth and learn to sew. Take away their TV's, computers, telephones and their right to tie up the legal system with useless motions. Let them file all those motions when they are done with their time at their expense not ours.
My solution.. when you help someone get elected, (you do, do that don't you?) make sure they have the same views you do. Make sure that they will not be bought off by big money and vote their way. Let them know that you ARE watching and paying attention to their performance. Know them well enough that you can vouch for their character and that they will not embarrass you later. Tell them that when they vote for a law that it has to have teeth in it. For instance if XX is a crime, then XXX is the minimum punishment, no exceptions. This will effectively tie the hands of the bleeding heart judges and force them to give the sentences that are deserved for a crime.

Now if you ARE REALLY SERIOUS. . . . go all the way, don't half-**s the K-mart boycott.
The boycott and letter writing effort of the 2ND amendment advocates/people and everyone that wants to keep a gun, needs to expand and include the major brands that Kmart handles, ie. their privet brands such as Martha Stewart Everyday, Sesame Street, Jaclyn Smith, Kathy Ireland, Route 66, NEW Martha Stewart (Spring 1999) American Fare, White-Westinghouse Appliances and Electronics, any other major brands they sell, Penske Car Care and Benchtop Tools. Write them and tell them that you won't support their products as long as they support K-mart and Rosie.

Next, you need to look at the board of directors and include the brands and business that that they represent.

Kmart Board of Directors
James B. Adamson (1)
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Advantica Restaurant Group

Lilyan H. Affinito (1*,3,5)
Former Vice Chairman of the Board
Maxxam Group Inc.
(do you see token here??? She's probably a CPA or bookkeeper)

Stephen F. Bollenbach (4)
President and Chief Executive Officer
Hilton Hotels Corporation

Joseph A. Califano, Jr. (4)
Chairman and President
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University

Richard G. Cline (2*,3,5)
Hussmann International, Inc. (manufacture reach in refrigerated display cases)
Hawthorne Investors, Inc. (can' find anything about them)

Willie D. Davis (2)
All Pro Broadcasting, Inc.

Joseph P. Flannery (3,4*,5)
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
Uniroyal Holding Inc.

Floyd Hall (3*)
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
Kmart Corporation

Robert D. Kennedy (4)
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
UCAR International, Inc. (they make graphite electrodes)

J. Richard Munro (2,3,5*)
Chairman of the Board
Genetech, Inc. (can't find what they do)

Robin B. Smith (1)
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Publishers Clearing House

William P. Weber (1)
Former Vice Chairman
Texas Instruments Incorporated

James O. Welch, Jr. (2)
Former Vice Chairman
RJR Nabisco, Inc. and
Nabisco Brands, Inc.

the numbers in ( ) are Committees:
(1) = Audit
(2) = Compensation & Incentives
(3) = Executive
(4) = Finance
(5) = Nominating
(*) = Committee Chair

Now look at the list of Kmart Executive Officers and expand the letter writing to them personally through the company to make sure that each and every one of them know that their job is on the line if they don't see things in a different light. BTW Rosie is an outspoken feminist if she knew that between the lists above and below there is only one woman.. bet she'd still sell her idealism for the money. Bet she never bothered to check because of the dollar signs in her eyes.

Floyd Hall, 59
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer since June 1995.

Andrew A. Giancamilli, 48
President and General Merchandise Manager, U.S. Kmart since December 1997.

Laurence L. Anderson, 56
Executive Vice President, Kmart and President, Super Kmart since August 1997;

Warren Cooper, 53
Executive Vice President, Human Resources & Administration since March 1996.

Donald W. Keeble, 49
Executive Vice President, Store Operations since February 1995.

Anthony N. Palizzi, 55
Executive Vice President, General Counsel since December 1992.

William N. Anderson, 51
Senior Vice President and General Merchandise Manager,

Ernest L. Heether, 52
Senior Vice President, Merchandise Operations Planning and Replenishment
since April 1996.

Paul J. Hueber, 50
Senior Vice President, Store Operations since January 1994.

Cecil B. Kearse, 46
Senior Vice President and General Merchandise Manager, Home since December 1997.

Jerome J. Kuske, 47
Senior Vice President and General Merchandise Manager, Health and Beauty Care/Pharmacy/ Consumables since December 1997.

James P. Mixon, 54
Senior Vice President, Logistics since June 1997

E. Jackson Smailes, 56
Senior Vice President and General Merchandise Manager, Apparel since August 1997.

William D. Underwood, 57
Senior Vice President, Global Operations, Corporate Brands and Quality Assurance since May 1998.

Martin E. Welch III, 50
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since December 1995.

Enough of my opinion------------------------


[This message has been edited by johnm (edited June 01, 1999).]