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What's with the resurrected threads?


New member
There sure has been a spike in the number of resurrected threads in the last week or two. What's with that? Seems like a bunch of newer members want to dig up posts from 1999 or 2000. That's ok, but it must be a coincidence that I am noticing a bunch of these 'dinosaurs' all at once. Anyone else noticing this trend?
I've noticed it too. I've also noticed a spike in new members and a new atmoshpere filled with "I'm tougher than anyone here" posts(ie- both "had to draw" threads in the Tactics forum).
Yeah no doubt Hedley, I started the "Had to draw" poll just to see how others felt about the OP in that "other" thread.. Boy did that blow up in my face.... I was reading the "had to draw" thread , and thought the question was a good one, but I never posted in that thread because it was turning into a pissing match...
The poll showed that there are more rational members here the rambo/mall ninja type,,, but the dumbarses just carried their fight into the poll thread...

I had a chat with Capt Charlie after he closed the thread, and he agreed with me that the question was a good one, those guys just screwed the thread up with their running argument.....

I've been guilty of not looking at the date on an ad thread though... I have never dug one up, I rarely look further than the first page of the ad forums, but if someone else brings one back to life ,, I might jump on the bandwagon thinking it's a new thread I missed.....
LOL that 8 year old thread sure surprised me today. It's funny how when a thread gets ressurected some people complain and then if someone makes a new thread that's exactly the same as an old dead thread, then people complain and say "use the search function".

I myself don't really care. As long as this great forum stays free of troll posts that's all I care about. :cool:

Just an idea, how about we delete the old for sale threads that are over a year old? The search function is great at limiting the ten thousandth post on suggesting the best all around gopher to grizzly round or whats better the ak or m16. Just need to get the users to realize this.


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You will notice the bellyachin' on every BB. I am on several shooting related BBs and the same sentiment happens everywhere. It seems we want to encourage new blood into the sport, but castigate them for asking questions that were asked amongst ourselves WHEN WE WERE NEW ON THE FORUM! I have lurked here a long time, but only joined a year ago. Don't ask me why the hesitation. I have cast/handloaded for over 35 years, but there are some of us who just don't feel like we have much to contribute, assuming everyone on the forum is far superior in knowledge to himself. Surf just a little and one finds out there are those joining recently (and some with many posts to their title) who are clueless on some things. As a farmer, there isn't much I haven't worked on mechanically, and as an engineer by education, there isn't much I think I can't figure out, classified as a jack of all - ace of nothing. Our goal here should be to disseminate whatever knowledge we individually have to another, gladly, and not belittle him with why he didn't use the search first. I surfed and searched for hours, days even, then ultimately posted a new question on some topics when it wan't fully explained to my satisfaction in an earlier thread. And truth be known, I hesitated to respond to a thread from 5 years back for fear of this very response above. :rolleyes: Us geezers have all been through the school of hard knocks and we wish our kids would listen to us when we try to explain how to avoid a particular issue becasue we have "been there-done that". Benefit-of-the-doubt notwithstanding, until the "new blood" prove to be trolls, they are all someone's kids and need guidance. Let's cut them some slack and put yourself in their shoes. Sorry for the length of this reply, but I see this happening on almost every BB, and truly think we need to ease up a little.
Evidently I have mis-spoken. I am not bashing anyone for bringing up the old threads, I just noticed that here lately, there have been a relatively large number of 5,6 or 7 year old threads resurrected. In my original post, I even stated that it is O.K. to resurrect those threads. Sorry if I came across as negative, but I never even mentioned the search function. Just pointing out a coincidence, that's all.

No flame at you at all. Was simply elaborating further what maser and deadin brought up. I have not seen it as bad here at all, in fact very little, as some other boards that just really make it look like an imposition on them to have to repeat something for a newb, as they already had several threads on it (years ago). It apparently does happen a bit as deadin pointed out. I've been a member almost a year, a reloader forever, and posted very little, so postwise I guess I'm a newb. :D After looking back at one of the links to old thread, the one on the for sale board was actually a stretch, but they were also new to the boards at that time too. Doesn't look like they have ever posted since either if the post # is cumulative. I apologize if you felt I was flaming you in any way.