What's Up With The Ruger Count Down ?

Hey, at least Ruger *does* a recall, instead of dumping a sub-par firearm on the unsuspecting public and letting them do all the leg work.
I think Ruger has learned their lesson about recalls. From here on out the terminology they`ll use will be 'upgrade':rolleyes:. Works for other manufacturers. May be the release of the new composit revolver talked about in the revolver forum.
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I didn't notice the countdown per se, but I did find a limited time discount offer of factory 20 round magazines for the Mini-14.
I've already seen that at a couple of gun shows and a shop.

It has the price tag to match the lower cost ARs, at least the two I've seen. It was tactical - blacktical except for the stainless steel metal and I was surprised to find out that it was from the factory. (Edit, can't be sure that the metal was not blackened)

So the countdown must be something else.

Bart Noir
Who is now off to the wheelgun forum, to read about the Ruger whatever.
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What Jimco said.

Might even be a PF9 ripoff.

Imagine a LCP that ate alot of candy bars and cake.:D

And drank only regular Coke.