Whats up with punishing those who break the rules?


New member
Isn't that what we are suppose to do when the law or rules are broken. Rev. Jesse Jackson thinks that we are suppose to put up with wild and crazy kids running wild. It seems to me that he has dropped the ball. He is fighting the wrong fight. If those kids were Polish, German, Greek, or Italian I wonder if he would have bothered to interfere with the school board decision. My opinion is that he wouldn't have lifted a finger to help them. What he is doing is sending the wrong signal to students. That signal is that it is OK to act like savages nothing serious will happen to you and if it does we will make you famous. Famous for acting like a savage and getting away with it. What do you think?

Guns aren't the problem the lack of individual accountability is.
I see it all the time where I work. The football jerks get away with everything from drugs to assault and rape, and it really ticks me off. The other kids at the school are usually not much trouble, but the ones on the team are terrors. The football coaches protect the players and the administrators handle everything internally because they don't want any bad press surrounding the school. When we try to get the police involved, there is stonewalling by the staff or the cops actually don't want to do anything about it. Then the admin. turns around and say that the social workers will hande it. BS! The whole reason there are problems is that the students think they can act without regard for anyone else, and unfortunately the school admin and teachers have shown them that they are right since they won't do anything about it!
I don't know what you are talking about, but I am interested. Is there something going on in the news regarding this that I missed?
I must agree, but then I'm in a pretty biased mood right now. See, I'm an RA at my college and the reason I'm typing this at 3:00 am is that I tried to enforce the rules and get everyone to turn off stereos, stop shouting and singing at the top of their lungs, and either bring their guests inside or send them home (it's one of those no-tell motel type dorms--all the rooms open onto walkways around the building.)
Unfortunately, the residents are upperclassmen who have been conditioned to believe that they're special because they live in "the party dorm" and don't have to follow rules or have consideration for others. So at 2:00 am, when my head resident and I tried to get people to observe the quiet hours (residents can do anything but play loud music or shout a great deal; non-residents have to leave unless they're staying with someone here. Strict, huh?) We were verbally abused, threatened, and then the security guards were verbally abused and threatened. Finally these drunken morons decided they would simply lock the door and start playing their music at top volume (which shakes my walls.)
Only one room got so much as a dinky noise ticket. The only reason that one got a ticket was that the HR had to leave for a moment and it became my call. He refused to do anything to even the people who shouted him down, threatened him, and are still making noise outside as I type this. He also refused to let the security guards take any action or call the city police in to shut the party down. So they're still out there, making noise because they can, and someone just threw a beer can off third floor balcony. But I am not going out there. I've learned from long experience that the administration and the HR WANT it this way. They don't want me to make waves, they don't want me to write tickets. When I do, nothing comes of them because the admin refuses to do anything. One night a drunken idiot kept me up until 6:00 am by shouting and arguing with me; he told me in so many words that he "(would) make sure you stay up until 6:00 am, cause I can, and you're an a**hole." He was right; he COULD keep me up until 6:00 am, and when he appeared in front of the deans to answer for his writeup, signed by the head security guard as a witness, for public intoxication, disorderly conduct, noise violations, and littering, he was sentenced to write a letter of apology to me. No fine, no other punishment. It took him four weeks to get me a one-paragraph letter.
The part that galls me is that, as someone pointed out above, this guy is RIGHT. He knows he can do whatever he wants and there is no consequence; he knows it doesn't matter what the truth is because the deans will help him make his own as needed. Same thing with the group tonight; they are convinced utterly that they are well within their rights to be as loud and annoying as they wish as late as they wish, and anyone who dares challenge or limit that right is an a**hole.
I think it's bedtime now. See this while you can because I may have to delete it in the morning. . . . :)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
You need to call in the Cops with a "Drunken Jock with a GUN" call.
That'd shake them up !
Ok, just kidding....
Well, maybe I'm NOT ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
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What did Jesse Jackson do? Who is he standing up for? I think I saw a blurb on the news about some A-A kids getting in a big fight at a game...is that what this is about? I have not seen Jesse Jackson on teh news, and see nothing at CCN.com
Jesse is a hypocrite. These "kids" each had hundreds of absences and suddenly what Jesse shows up they all "need an educatiion". This problem occurs in every school. I child breaks the rules or conctantly disrupts the class - beter not suspend him - that would dent him his education.

They should throw them out on their a$$ and not let them in for another year.

This problem will not change until we pressure the legislature to allow more diciplinary and expulsion measures.

C'mon, give Jesse a break. ;)
The fact that no one used a gun in this fight left him and his pals in the lurch.
"Who" can they blame for this violence when there wasn't one of those dastardly instruments of the devil conveniently available?
What? Blame the individual responsible?
Get real!

Why not call the campus or city police on criminal Public Intoxication or Disturbing the Peace/Disorderly Conduct complaints? The head RA can't stop you, as a resident, from making a private complaint. Disorder is one thing. Criminal disorder is another...


Jesse Jackson's okay, he's just hearing impaired. You and I hear: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"The School Superintendent of the Decatur, Illinois schools where several students were expelled for fighting in September has capitulated to Jesse Jackson. Some (black) students who had criminal backgrounds had been expelled for their fight. They had an average of 200 truancy or absentee days per student. Jackson is suppoted by the Republican Governor of Illinois."[/quote]

Jackson hears: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">code:</font><HR><pre>
"Jesse Jackson blah blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah blah Jesse Jackson
blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah BLACK STUDENTS EXPELLED!!
blah blah blah. Did I mention Jesse Jackson? Blah blah blah."

That this is not a racial thing AT ALL makes no difference. It will be made into one. Race was the issue that brought Rev. Jackson to the scene. I know that man means well (I'm serious, here!), but one must consider his motives, sometimes.

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited November 15, 1999).]
I rarely, ok..never agree with Jesse except for this time. Regardless of color, who gets a TWO year suspension for fighting. If they had been Ohio State Buckeye linebackers there would have been an uproar if they were suspended from a single season game.
Gangstas at the top(political leadership), gangstas in the middle(local politicos ,lawmen and judges), and gangstas at the bottom(punks on the streets and in the schools).Gangstas, gangstas everywhere and no citizzens vigilantes groups around!