What's up with PA- no semi rifles for big game??

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I don't remember a lot of commentary on this topic when PA passed the recent amendment to the game law allowing SA rifles for small game, but still not for big game.

Although I wouldn't agree, I can at least understand the phobia concerning hi cap mags, pistol grips, associated with the MSR family. We've heard all that before. But I fully expected the authorities to allow "conventional" SA sporters like the Remington 740 family, the sporting BAR, Rugers .44's, the Win 100 and so on.

PA is a big shooting/sportsman state. What happened?
According to the Game Commission, their decision was based on hunter input. I believe it. Most of the hunters I know there are fairly traditional, and they already have their rifles.
Local tradition. Same reason hunting with dogs and over bait are legal in some places and not in others.
I like the no SA rules for PA. It is supposed to be a sport and atleast consistant with the image. It is one of those "either you get it, or you dont" deals. Same with 3 shot plugs for water foul. Actually you could argue for punt guns and no limit meat hunting. It is a question where to draw a line and it does get to seem pretty arbitrary setting the exact line.

In reality a SA is not much of an advantage and in my view on balance the added weight is a net negative. It does not look good for the public image. And, imho, image does matter - big time. Even myself - When I see a hunter with an AR or even a semi-shotgun I get a image of immaturity or lack of confidence. I would never say anything but it is just my impression.
PA has always allowed semi-auto shotguns firing shot for small game, waterfowl and varmints. Plugged to 3 for sure, but that is a pretty common rule among the states. They are considering allowing them for big game, firing a single projectile of course. There are a couple shotgun-only urban areas that already allow semi-auto shotguns.
I remember as a young guy a co-worker invited me to hunt grouse after work. I toss a H&R single in my trunk and follow him out next day. I maybe making some noise or whatever he suggest we split up and loop back to the vehicles. I get a grouse and feeling pretty good about it.

My buddy asks about the details. I says I am walking along and see a group on the ground. Picks one out and shoots. He kinda smiles and shrugs tell me we are not supposed to shoot the birds on the ground. Oh? It is not a rule, it is just how the game is played.
Pennsylvania has many unique laws which date back long before my Grandfather was born. For example, no liquor sales on Sunday. Liquor sales are confined to state owned stores which do not offer competitive pricing. For many years, beer sales were limited to case sized only and warm beer sales were mandated. Cold beer sales were prohibited when I was a kid.

Semi-autos for deer & bear hunting have been banned since the very beginning of game laws in Pennsylvania. I doubt that this will change because of a very small number of protests. It will take a large organized group to get the attention of government officials.

Hunting is banned on Sundays. But I believe this will change within my lifetime.

Call me jaded.
But when going to the local ranges and seeing the AR/AK guys on the pistol side of the ranges, and general attitude/ skill set i voted against semi autos for big game.

I've only seen like 4 guys that know a 223 goes further than 25 yards.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the semi-auto ban for hunting in PA was a long-standing rule (like 75 years or so). I know it's not a recent thing.

Your not wrong. But the PA Game Commission was looking at a rule change just last year on the subject. They opened it up to public comment.
Majority voted no to big game hunting with semi autos.

But they did ok hunting small game and coyotes with semi auto.
Ain't nothin' as crazy as hunting regs from anywhere. There's everything from PA's no semi-autos to pistol calibre straight walled cartridges only to our really daft nothing greater than .270/.275 by the cartridge name. Trying to figure out the why is like trying to figure out why a cartridge is named what it is. Give you an aneurysm.
"...the AR/AK guys on the pistol side of the ranges..." Highly unlikely the "mall ninjas" ever hunt anywhere but on their computers. It ain't the rifle. It's the shooter.
Hunting is banned on Sundays. But I believe this will change within my lifetime.
I hope not. I enjoy having 1 day out of the week to walk freely in nature without crossing paths with a hunter or having one of their rounds cross paths with me. Some hunting is permitted on Sundays, eg; ground hog, coyote, crow....
Here in Michigan you can use a AK47 or AR if you like, but I have not seen one out in the woods, I think a lot of AR shooters are just that shooters not hunters !!!
In reality a SA is not much of an advantage and in my view on balance the added weight is a net negative. It does not look good for the public image. And, imho, image does matter - big time. Even myself - When I see a hunter with an AR or even a semi-shotgun I get a image of immaturity or lack of confidence. I would never say anything but it is just my impression.

I hunt with a semi, because I shoot very well with it and it fits me. Having an opinion but being scared to voice it sounds like immaturity or a lack of confidence.
I am quite surprised that on a gun forum, there are such negative perceptions being cast about SA guns. What does the firearm a person carries have to do with their maturity level or confidence?
Does this mean the guys with huge wheel guns have insecurity issues? And then I suppose the person with a Hi-Pont is dirt poor.
My first 'deer' rifle was a Remington '06 semi. It did not help. Big heavy over power clunker. I moved on and started filling tags too. Many hunters, as they gain ability and confidence gravitate towards guns like single shots, or primitive firearms and in some cases bows. It is a progression, certainly not everyone, but; typical. Some just want meat in the freezer and the gun simply does not matter. It is not the bow, it is the Indian.

I read some one cannot understand the disdain for the SA in the field. Listen and read! We are not afraid to speak up. Respectfully, I hope.

IMHO, the deal with sunday deer hunting is that it would require Fish & Game to work Sundays. You can hunt coyote on Sunday because there is no limit and they are a varmint. The deer hunt in most states is very controlled and the rules need to be enforced. I suppose higher license fees would cover the OT. I would be fine with that. Bottom line, a lot of guys dont want to work Sundays and that includes me.
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