whats up with my mossberg?


New member
i was out shooting it and it works fine with federal buck, wolf bird, other cheap bird, S&B buck but then it has failures to extract with the S&B slugs??

this is kind weird that it would feed buck but not slugs kinda makes you lose faith in your HD gun :( (Mini 14 is the one I am going to grab now)

its a 500 by the way.
Hard to diagnose from here, but it's more likely the ammo than the 500. Try different slugs and see if that helps.

And, slugs have little use for HD.
No biggie.. Just don't use that ammo in that gun. S&B shotgun ammo does not seem up to the same standards as their handgun ammo.
It was just odd that it happened and I don't want it to happen with my other ammo.

Could I be causing the problem, sometimes when I shoot shotguns I pull the forearm(Pump) into my shoulder could firing like this cause a failure to extract?
it's the ammo. my mossberg doesn't ike those aquila minishells and does the same thing. buy some quality slugs and see what happens.
Try some Winchester Super X's. My brand new Mossie 500 loves them in both 2 3/4 and 3" The 28yr old mossie I used to use loves them in 2 3/4. The poor gun can't feel the joy of 3" was never chambered for it :(
whats that mean "Babyshucking"?

well about a week ago I ordered 50rds of low recoil slugs remington slugs and I still have about 25 rds of federal magnum and standard and also a bunch of cheap S&B buck.

thanks for the help.

what exactly makes these shells different than lets say federal buck?
"Babyshucking" is the equivalent of limp wristing a GM,Greg. Moving the slide just hard enough to go to and fro. Some shotguns will glitch is so done.

Rack it like you meant it. No probs then...
Greg, it could be many things during manufacturing. Old equipment, hull material, thickness of the rim, lots and lots of things.

FWIW, a friends 870 hates anything Federal. No rhyme or reason, just a bunch of manufacturing tolerances getting together at the worst time and place.

My .44 Marlin chokes on CCI Blazer rounds. No reason why, it just hates'em. Watch a guy's 1911 spit, sputter and spew last night with Wolf ammo. Just enough of the tolerances on the tight side to cause the 1911 to malf.

That's why we test ammo before relying on it for hunting or HD. :)
Rem Reduced Recoil slugs are cheap and work perfectly in my M500. Just, as Dave McC points out, "Rack like you mean it".