What's up for 2002?

Norm Lee

New member
Just found a new planner in my in-box. A sure sign that the year is all but over. Now that I've got all the local IDPA, IPSC, Pin and steel shoots highlit, I need to carve out space for other interesting, even major matches. But there's not much info out there yet. Or at least I can't find it. Can anyone help with dates for :
USPSA Nationals
IDPA Nationals
TX Ltd
Area 4
American Handgunner
Pin Shoots (Second Chance rumors?)


Don't forget the 4th annual PSA SHOOTOUT in Palmyra, PA on April 26, 27, 28. Last year there were over 200 registered shooters knocking down over 160 falling steel targets.

Also in PA ... the Blue Mt. Pin Classic, May 31, June 1 & 2. And the East Coast Pin Challenge in Topton August 9-12 (tentative), and the South Connellsville Pin Shoot the weekend after Labor Day.
From the look of of that list, you must be in or near Texas...if you made the Texas State Limited in 2001, then you saw the San Angelo Gun Club.

They run a serious "for shooters" match called the Carter Martin Memorial during the last weekend in August to raise money for the West Texas Boy's Ranch.

This year's match was 8 stages of full-up entertainment. Just to give you an idea of how much they set up for these...the LTD had 12 stages, and the CM (6 weeks earlier) had 8. They used all the walls and half the props from the CM's 8 stages to build the LTD's 12 stages.

Two day format...shoot just one day, or shoot Open the first day (the whole match), then shoot it again as Limited the next day.

Usually just $65.

A world-class match at a minimum price...


2002 wazzup

Hey Wakal:

Found me out!

The Carter Martin is the one match I'd go to if I could only go to one next year. Not just a fun, challenging match, it's an all-round treat. Spoils you, though being treated like one of the upper class!. No taping. Folks bring you your brass. Doesn't get any better.
CU there in 02


Yep, we try to suck up to everyone just like they were one of those annointed "grandmaster" types...we pick up your brass, we tape targets, we even score for ya...

I really like being able to shoot the match twice. So hard to decide between Open and Limited some days :p
