what's this, an article on Keyes in the national media?

Good ole Keyes. But I fear he just lost the teachers of America.

From what I read about their union, the National Education Association (NEA), I'm left with the following impressions (although I have no hard data to back it up):

NEA has increased teachers' salaries, but how much goes to union dues? (I really don't know!)

NEA confuses "progress" with "change" and are only a bit more liberal than Gore. (gag)

Between the union and the multitude of government bureaucrats our teachers are in a terribly regimented environment to the detriment of the teachers, the students, and our country.

Just an impression. I'm willing to change my opinion if presented with facts.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
I know most of the school teachers here in my small town "in the sticks" and few of them are union members. For the most part, those that are members join because of the contract negotiations benefits, not because of the NEA's political stance. Membership runs about $700/year, and many teachers choose to withhold that part of membership dues which the NEA claims is used politically, about $40/year.

Don't believe that all teachers are pro-NEA or pro-left/liberal. I'll bet in most areas the teachers generally represent the politics of the region, just as workers in every other job will. It's the fatcats in Washington working at DOE and NEA that are the problem.

"Every decent man must be ashamed of his government." H.L. Mencken
I have a friend who taught ag at our local high school for a couple of years. Finally quit after he got so much guff from the other teachers. He was 100% pro-gun, a true constitutionalist. Seems the other teachers did not like his off the side teachings, such as the bill of rights and our constitution. He also rewarded his top students by taking them out for a day of pheasant or duck hunting. This really upset them. Guess it's not easy for some teachers these days.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
My mother is a retired School teacher and she HATED the NEA the whole time . They are the epitome of what is the worst in Unions. To Quote my mother “the NEA is nothing but a front organization to put the Union dues into the pockets of the people at the top. They will not support the rank and file any more than is absolutely necessary and their support for the far left liberal agenda is complete even to the point of their own destruction”

At the Democratic National convention in 1996 Bill Clinton gave a speech touting his high school volunteers to teach reading because students were not learning. The NEA cheered wildly.

The NEA types are so stupid that they missed what was implied "you are not doing your jobs so we are going to have non high school grads do it for you" If Bill had told the Teamsters they did not know how to drive trucks or Brick layers union they did not know how to lay bricks or UAW members they didn't know how to build cars, so we are going to have high school students do it for you, He would not have left the meeting hall in one piece.
I cant emphasize this enough the NEA on hole is bunch of weak minded lemmings that follow their leadership.

Once (Before my mother change to a different teachers union and this was the last straw) they asked my mother to call all the members on a list of names they provided for her and ask them to vote for their preferred candidate. The first name on the list was their preferred candidates opponent. My mother called them right back and told them to shove it and canceled her membership (to my recollection the language was very colorful) Any wonder why the NEA is so fouled up. They don’t know or care who or what is on their side as long as they get their cut (of power and money)