What's the word with leading in the .357?


New member
Quick question: what is the max. FPS you would shoot a cast lead 158 gr. SWC (assuming 16 - 17 Br.) in your .357 before worring about excessive leading? I've seen ammo loaded to just over 1,000 FPS with this bullet. Would any hotter be detrimental?
Anytime you send a soft lead bullet down range at over 1.000
fps;without the use of a gas check, you are asking for a leading problem in ANY magnum caliber.:( The only exception
to this rule that I know of is when using cast lead bullet's; along with the proper mix of high speed babbit
material.:) With the proper mix, this hardens the cast lead
bullet's and prevent's leading the bore.:D Be careful not to
use too much babbit, as this will thicken the molten lead very quickly ruining your substance.:eek:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
There are lots of variables but with the Brinnel hardness number you listed (16-17), assuming everything else is right, maybe 1200-1300 fps.

Elmer Keith's alloy was not as hard as you mention so maybe even full velocity. With commercially cast bullets frequently the lubrication is lacking, meaning the quality of adhering to the bullet during shipping is more important to the maker than proper lubrication while shooting. You also see bevel bases more now which probably works against optimum sealing, but makes loading easier.