What's the website for HCI's Master Plan


New member
Maybe it was in a dream, but I KNOW I posted
a reply to the thread that posted the Master Plan and now I can't find the darned thing.

Intend to send it to HCI and ask for a yea or nay on it. Silence means yea, and then I am off to the races.
its on RKBA.org in the anti area : http://RKBA.org/antis/hci-master
and here: http://www.survival.com.mx/hci.html

the survival one is formated, the RKBA one is the original Feb 7, 1994 firearms-politics use net post from a Jeff Chan:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Here is a corrected version of the HCI 5 year plan. It begins on
page 2 because allegedly because the original was faxed with a post
it covering most of the first page. My paper copy is from the person
who got it from HCI. I believe it is authentic, but have no proof.
If some comes along, I'll relay it.

This is allegedly a draft of a confidential internal memo.

Jeff Chan
just ran a quick web hunt on Jeff Chan

Jeff Chan is the webmaster at RKBA.org
