what's the proper way to carry with a shoulder holster?


New member
I just picked up a Gould & Goodrich shoulder rig for my Beretta 92/96 at the SHOT show for 60.00. I will be receiving my NV. CCW soon, and would like to know what is the proper setup with the holster. I know the gun should be horizontal, but how high should I carry the gun, and ammo, for that matter? There is plenty of adjustment in this rig, and I would like to hear everyone's opinion on this matter. Thanks!
In my experience:

Comfort dictated how it was used. Mainly the holster and mag pouches were high enough not to "print" but still allow normal use of arms.
I'd say that you would probably have to experiment with it. You should be able to get a good grip quickly and otherwise make it as comfortable as possible.

Everyone is different but if I am wearing a jacket, the shoulder holster is by far my favorite method of carry. ONLY problem I see is the inability to remove the jacket.
Yep,let comfort be your guide.

I personally find shoulder holsters to be more comfortable the higher I can get the gun up towards my armpit.
To add to my previous:

It took a long time to finally get the to an acceptable comfort level. I still find that it rides up on my neck. I have an off brand with the "X" crossing in the back, really just a galco knock off.

Finally scrapped it as a carry idea except in extreme cold weather, which doesnt' exist in FL. So it gets used when riding MCs off road.
I agree with the comments regarding comfort. If you can afford it, check out the rigs made by Mitch Rosen. I use his for a Wilson CQB Compact. They are very well made and comfortable. I don't know if Mitch Rosen makes them for the 92/96. I know Kramer makes a shoulder rig for a 92/96. I have one and don't really care for it.
Dennis D. Carter
If you prefer a shoulder holster, check out Sam Andrews' Monarch rig @ http://www.andrewsleather.com. The horizontal strap at the rear (across your middle back when wearing the rig) prevents the gun and magazine pouches from "rocking" forward. I wore the Galco rig years before it became the Miami Classic when the company was called Jackass Leather. It was a good design but was not as secure as Andrews'. Except on rare occasions, I do not use the shoulder holster. My chest and bicep proportions make it uncomfortable and often difficult for me to reach the firearm. This is a very important consideration when using this system. Another aspect of this design is that when drawing the firearm, the holster itself will follow the gun. Not good! You want the holster to stay in place. Due to the horizontal, rear strap, the Andrews unit will keep the holster in place.

The shoulder holster looks great in photographs and celluloid. It may not be for you (generally speaking). Before you decide to use it, borrow one for a few days. Adjust it to your build. Wear it continuously for 12-15 hours while doing all the things that you typically do in the course of a normal day. Draw the weapon as often as possible (preferably while unloaded so that a ND/AD does not occur). Reassess your decision to wear it. If it is positive, practice the draw 500 more times before actually carrying the weapon with ammunition. Silly. YES!
So was the poor fool who AD'd his 1911 and crippled his left shoulder for life because he failed to heed my advise.

Be safe.
kogatana makes a good point. You should try to draw without crossing your body if possible. Maybe if you grab your jacket lapel with your weak hand, you can both open your jacket for easier access to the gun, plus get your arm up and out of the way, kind of like the old FBI one-handed shooting technique.

Of course, it's more important to keep the manual safety on and finger off the trigger, but every little bit helps.