What's the possibility of importing Canada's banned guns into the US?


New member
I was thinking about this recently. I imagine the Canadian government would likely just destroy them all. Not just the ones in personal collections but what happens to all the rifles that dealers and importers have that they can no longer sell?
I'll admit I'm a little slow today and my Google-Fu is weak.

Did Canada recently ban some firearms?

I know there was a 2020 ban on some firearms in Canada but has there been another one?

Seems like they would have to give dealers some reasonable amount of time to sell their existing stock or allow them to export the firearms to some country where the sale of them is legal or some how reimburse the dealers for the guns they were (now) prohibited from sell.

But I really don't know so am asking for more info.

Thanks for the information.
2nd cup of coffee got me motivated and I found this about the Canadian ban:


Here's a quote from the article:
“Public Services and Procurement Canada said it has devoted ‘the equivalent of 5.825 full-time employees’ to the project,” with a further two employees from Service Canada. How, asks Sen. Plett, “can your government have spent $42 million on this, when not a single firearm has been bought back?”

Apparently the Canadian's program isn't going well. If it's true no guns have yet been 'bought back' then it's unclear what has been done with them.
Since they are going to destroy all of those old Hi Powers they are replacing, I sincerely doubt that. El Presidente Turdeo probably gets the vapors over the thought of ANY citizens anywhere being armed. Expect any firearms in Canuckian custody to be summarily destroyed, and quite possibly being donated as scrap metal to new "anti gun" art "projects".
Canadian cannot sell handguns

Canadians with handguns cannot sell or even transfer their handguns to anyone. When you die the government seize them and destroy them.
The American who figures out how to buy them and import them into the US will make a lot of money. The guns are virtually worthless, so lowball offers will be enough to buy them and turn around for a healthy profit.
Seriously look into this, there are over 1.2 million handguns in Canada, as the owners age they would be happy to recoup some money from their guns.
What are the odds??

Offhand, I'd say Slim, and None.

And, Slim's been out of town for a long time, with no forwarding address...:rolleyes: