whats the least equepment needed to start?


New member
titels prety much says it but im thinking of geting into this sport and need to know what you need also is there any age requierments ect. one other question while im at it do any of you or any body use blackpowder revolvers for this ? thaks for any help you can give

Howdy Zip,

Most stages that we shoot in CAS use two single action pistols,a pistol caliber lever rifle,and a SxS double barrel or external hammer pump shotgun. That said,it's quite common for new shooters who don't have the required guns to borrow what they need from other shooters. CAS shooters are very generous and are happy to help a new shooter get started in our sport. Contact the director of a match in your area and tell him or her what guns you need,and they can usually set you up. The minimum age for shooters in my area is 12 years' old. Some clubs have a special class for younger shooters that uses .22 caliber pistols and rifles and .410 shotguns. Some folks do use blackpowder cap& ball revolvers.

Bellicose Bill
well as that goes my only problem would be the pistols since im only 19 almost 20 i have a 20 ga. sxs and the lever gun would not be a problem which is why i asked abought the cab & ball guns would this be a good way to go to start or would there be to many problems with them id rather not have to relie on some one elses guns unless i have to

Howdy Zip,

There's no problem in using C&B pistols. Usually,the chambers are loaded at the unloading table and capped at the loading table just before you shoot.

Bellicose Bill
Minumum guns? I was going to say one revolver and one lever action rifle. Seems we are always borrowing shotguns. And on some stages, if you don't have a second pistol,you can borrow another. Our first year we called our shotgun the "Community Shotgun" cause three of us shared it. Least guns: 0. But let them know. We had a young man from Ohio come down to our match. Ninteen years old on military leave (Army). Because of laws in :phio he couldn't own a pistol. We got him in a posse and he shot all stages with borrowed guns. He had a lot of fun.

[This message has been edited by Ned Roundtree (edited January 10, 2000).]