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what's the Firefly connection?


I've noticed a couple of people have quotes from the show in their sigs and there's a section in the Library about it. Granted it does make sense thta a show about freedom fighters would appeal to gun owners, but I'm wondering if there's any particular connection between the forum owners and the show. Just big fans?
I have no idea what this Firefly is or what show you're talking about. Methinks our technical guru Tyme would know. If he doesn't respond to this thread soon you might try emailing him and asking about it.

Firefly is a very interesting space/western TV show by Joss Whedon (Buffy/Angel) that was cancelled halfway through its first season (2002-2003).

Serenity is a movie based on the TV series, and it opens on September 30th.

The banner in the library is not a commercial banner ad; I just put it there to raise awareness about the movie.
Firefly tended to be brutally honest and had a "Sometimes bad people just have to die" theme running through it. Also was very pro-liberty, pro-individual freedom.

I like it a lot. Can't wait for the movie.
The banner in the library is not a commercial banner ad; I just put it there to raise awareness about the movie.

Yeah, I love the show and I'm eagerly awaiting the movie. Just wondered why it was there; thanks for the heads up. :D
My relief just came in. Another half hour and I'm taking off to go see it.

It's a bit chilly. My coat is kind of a brownish color.
I thought Joss had closed down Mutant Enemy (his TV production company... Buffy, Angel, Firefly) and stated that he's done with TV. The rumors I have heard are that if the movie goes well, there may be at least 2 sequels.

I read one review that labelled Simon "incestuous," called Inara Mal's ex-gf, called the alliance "theocratic," and called the River sub-plot "mystical mud." I'm wondering if that reviewer even bothered to watch the movie. He certainly hadn't watched the TV series.
Loved it.

A friend of mine turned me onto Firefly, loved it. Saw Serenity on friday night, loved that too. Great show, storyline, acting, etc.
We bought the complete DVD set on a friend's enlightened advice, and we think that Firefly is officially The Greatest TV Series Ever In The History Of Television.

Getting a babysitter for next weekend so we can go out and see "Serenity".