What's the difference between trap & skeet shooting?

Trap the clay goes directly out from you while skeet is left to right & vs versa from stations, also in skeet you work the course through positions, sort of like around the world in basketball. Haven't shot a lot of trap really.

[This message has been edited by scud (edited September 18, 2000).]
Trap Shooting uses only one house. Skeet uses two, A high and a low house. Trap all clays are moving away from you. Where Skeet has crossing clays. In Trap you only engage one clay at a time, Where in skeet you engage two clays at a time. And there is more like moving around on skeet... Sporting Clays are a whole nother ball game altogether though i have never shot them.
To add to the above posts:
Trap is shot from 5 positions.
Skeet is shot from 8 positions.

Take care.

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Sporting Clays is like golf w/ guns. You tromp thru the woods to the shooting stations. Each station has clays that simulate a typical hunting situation. The shooting is similar to skeet where you get 1 single from 1 machine, 1 single from another machine, then doubles. I've only shot sporting clays once, but I'll try and describe a couple of the stations.

1. Duck Hunt - Now file away that image of the Nintendo game and that silly laughing dog, it was totally different from that. The shooting station is at the edge of a cattail marsh. The throwing machines were situated about 300 yards away on top of a 100 ft tall pole (really!). The clays are thrown toward you and they sorta float down to your position (like ducks landing in water). Just blast 'em outta the sky when they get close.

2. Fur-n-Feathers - 1 machine is set up to throw rabbits, the other is set up to throw a low flying bird. The rabbit is clay that is designed to be bounced and it is thrown onto it's edge. The bird comes from the opposite direction of the rabbit. Nobody in our group hit the rabbit. :(

3. Low Flying outbound birds. - Station is situated on a raised platform. One machine is set up right under the shooting station, other machine is in brush to the left. Birds move away in a criss-cross pattern.

Well, that's some of my sprorting clay newbie experience. It's a challenge, but a TON OF FUN! I suggest trying it out, you won't be dissapointed.

Oh, and you will look like this :D after shooting a round of sporting clays. :)