Whats the difference?? Besides an inch?


Hello all,
I have a 4" XD .45, I am concidering carrying it but it will hopefully only be used on the range. So here is my question, if I start to get into competitions will I miss the extra 1"?

If so I am thinking before I really start to get used to the 4" (I've owned for 3 weeks) I might trade it in for a 5" right of the get go. Still a XD .45.

Whats the BIG difference between the two?
I thought about this one also. I have a shooting buddy that is a .45acp nut like myself and we were both thinking of the new XDs. He is in a much higher tax bracket then me, so he bought both. He shoots mostly ISPC, but some IDPA also and is in the "match winner" catagory a lot (unlike me). So he shot both and did real well. I just waited to see which one he mostly shot and settled on. It was the 5", his score were always higher with it. So thats what I bought and am real happy with it. We don't live in the same state anymore, we just exchage emails, so I didn't get to try them both myself.

I don't think there is a BIG difference, for carry I would prefer the 4", but I carry a 637 Smith. I think the main difference would be the sight radius, if I already had the 4" I would just shoot it and maybe down the line buy something else different to add to your stash like a 1911. There are a lot of .45s out there, my favorite is a 625 for IDPA and a 1911 for IPSC. I like and shoot them all, the only one that collects dust is the Glock 21, and if I did something with the trigger I might shoot it more.

So, shoot what you got and have fun.
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The biggest difference between 4" and 5" 1911 pistols is the extra inch of sight radius which improves accuracy. IME the accuracy difference between 4" and 5" barrels is not that significant unless you hold/shoot like a machine rest.
Well that's my thought too, plus mine is a 4" compact, so I can carry with a 10 round clip for concealment at that time, or 13 rounds when that is required.

I just had this aching feeling I would be missing something besides the 1", but at the same time I think I would like the compact size at times more and that might be more often then the extra 1" would be desired.

But you know what if there is no major something missing, I am staying with mine cause it's already well... Mine :D

Thanks guys...
The biggest difference between 4" and 5" 1911 pistols is the extra inch of sight radius which improves accuracy. IME the accuracy difference between 4" and 5" barrels is not that significant unless you hold/shoot like a machine rest.

Agreed; plus that extra 1" adds to the overall weight and balance of the pistol and I believe helps manage recoil.

In IDPA you are limited to a 4" barrel for revlover. The 625 JM is the only 4" barrel from Smith (.45acp). You can't get a 5" barrel in the JM (Jerry Miculek) competition model. Guess which barrel Jerry Miculek shoots for all his competions except IDPA? (don't know if he shoots IDPA), Yep, a 5".

Kind of off topic, but watching the Wednesday shooting shows on Outdoor Channel, I picked that up.

Back on topic...shoot what ya got!
By the time you're good enough to notice that extra 1", you'll be ready to buy an entirely different weapon anyway.
"...will I miss the extra 1"?..." Not if you work up a load or found one that your pistol shoots well. Competitive shooting, of any kind, is great fun. Use what you have, but good ammo is essential.
With a new pistol and not reloading, you'll have to try a box of as many brands and bullet weights as you can to find the ammo your pistol both shoots best and cycles the action. The best accuracy is usually the key. Very little factory ammo won't cycle the action.
A 200g semi-wad cutter, hard lead cast bullet (Hensley and Gibbs #68) play with the powder weight and type (5.2g of 700X) would make major in IPSC competition.

This would shoot a 1.5 inch group all day and every day. Kind of sure it would work for you, shoot IDPA/USPSA or Bulls Eye Competition, 4" or 5" or carry with JHP.

If this is a new skill you are learning, trigger time is the name of the game, reloading is good for pocket book also, it's not cheaper, you just shoot more!

Then you might change guns down the road somewhere.
Random Musings...

I purchased a 5" Tactical Springfield XD .45 just for USPSA competition. I have my first match next month but have been working with the pistol for about six months now. I thought that the extra inch would be a big assist with sights.

Not sure if there is a correlation but my daily carry is a 4" Kimber 1911. I am just as accurate (or more) with my 4" Kimber as I am with the 5" XD. Now to be fair, I have been shooting 1911's for 20+ years and only the striker-fired XD for about 6 months so I am much more comfortable with the 1911 still.

All this to say that I am not sure that it would make a notable difference. Probably would recommend that you stick with the 4" and carry a little more comfortably.

Good luck and enjoy,

“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives,
And at the last He will take His stand on the earth.
Even after my skin is destroyed,
Yet from my flesh I shall see God” Job 19:25-26 NASU