What's the best gun oil?


New member
I'm new to the gun scene and was wondering if there was a certain type or brand of oil that seems to be better for bolt actions than others. Thanks in advance for any input. :cool:
I use Eezox. It's a fantastic corrosion preventative and darn good lube. On my bolt guns, I've been using TetraGrease or WeaponShield sparingly on the bolt and sliding surfaces after the application of Eezox.

Also, after the initial application, subsequent cleanings are a breeze and not one iota of rust has been on any of my guns.
I use Eezox as well even though I have to either order it online or drive 40 miles to the closest place it's stocked. As a preservative... I left my collection of firearms in an un-climate controlled outdoor shed in through three wet Georgia summers and three humid Georgia winters for three years while I deployed overseas. Not a speck of rust on Anything when I returned to pick them up. Aside from a good cleaning and coating with Eezox thre was nothing to protect them except closed windows and a roof overhead, not a bit of conditioning for the air.

For day-to-day lubrication I'll stick a little bottle of CLP in my range bag or pour some Mobil 1 Synthetic into the same bottle. If it will protect my turbo engine operating at 7,200 rpm, I figure it will protect my firearms running at around 30 rpm.
When you say "best", you're always going to open a can of worms. And your question wasn't specific enough to keep that lid on very tight. :rolleyes:

Truth is, there probably isn't a bad, brand name, firearms specific lubricant on the market.

Are were talking a grease for bolt action rifles to apply to the locking lugs, or are we talking a general purpose corrosion inhibitor and lubricant?

See what I mean... greases, lubricants, lubricant/corrosion inhibitors. All these guys have their favorites and there's not a bad one in the bunch.

I kinda lean with Tuttle8 if we're talking about a blued gun... a general lubricant/rust inhibitor on all exterior surfaces with a tiny bit of high pressure grease on the caming surfaces.
If its a stainless gun... as in all stainless, then all you really need is the grease, and preferably one for stainless to stainless contact.

I just read a comparison that said that the various Moly Lubes were best (when sprayed on,let dry and polished-read that-polished-off) and also that Rem Oil was outstanding too.
The moly lubes often rank best because their coefficient of friction is lowest among the enduring lubes. The carrier is another matter. In the sandbox they've had millenia of wind-driven impact of sand-on-sand that makes it finer and finer until it makes a gun-choking abrasive dust that sticks to any remotely damp or wet surface lube, including CLP and others that are very good to excellent outside that particular environment. As you might expect, dry lubes and cleaners have gotten popular there. For example, Mil-comm 25B (fluoropolymer-based) claims to be the only military-approved lube for Gatling guns (modern motorized, that is; not Civil War era). It is burnished into the warmed metal and ends up dry, so it doesn't hold dust. Gunzilla has become a popular gun cleaner in the sandbox and, if its web page is to be believed, has ended a lot of malfunction problems. The way it does that is it dries to leaves a thin smooth lubricating varnish is dry.

Two I've come to like well in specific applications are MolyFusion and Plate+ Silver. Moly Fusion is the ultimate dry lube. It is a micro-thin metal conversion process that leaves behind a waxy feeling semi-permanent coating of molybdenum-based phosphate. It is truly dry and dust can't stick to it at all. The coefficient of friction is a very effective 0.07. It has the advantage of working on aluminum as well as on steel. The drawback is that it requires heating (140°F or so) and a bit of practice and sometimes a second or third coat for the original version. There is now a newer more active formulation that is supposed to overcome some of that.

Plate+, is based on a patent licensed from NASA. Like Weapon Shield, it is an electronegative surface bonding synthetic lubricant which has semi-permanent properties. Plate+ Silver additionally contains micronized acid-neutralized molybdenum disulphide in colloidal suspension (it never settles out, except a very tiny percentage). You soak a piece of steel in it for 48-72 hours, at the end of which it is in place and not easily removable. No matter how dry you think you've wiped the metal, it is still there. As an example of its penetrating properties, there are several steel hinges in my house that used to squeak badly. I put all manner of conventional lube on them in the past, and after a few months they would start to squeak again and need fresh lubrication. I put a few drops of Plate+ on each of them. 90% or so of the squeak stopped right away, but after about two days it had penetrated and affixed itself to the metal, so all squeaking stopped and hasn't returned in over four years. The coefficient of friction is an astonishing 0.02.

The drawbacks to Plate+ are that it works only on ferrous metal and does nothing for aluminum. It also take several days to complete treatment. The company makes wheat they call Machine Gun Lube, which is a synthetic oil and Plate+ mix that is a general purpose gun lube, but would not be for the desert.
After using Eezox on all my guns for years, I wouldn't use anything else.
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This stuff has served me well. It's easy, non-toxic, don't stink, won't mess up your wood grips, & does a very good job for general cleaning. It also has an anti-corrosive/rust inhibitor/preservator,but not so great on heavily leaded or fouled bores, but for general cleaning, it's great stuff.

I like RemOil for a light lube. I also use the heavier copper grease stuff for auto slides, like what comes on Glocks from the factory. A couple different companies make it, including Lock Tight. (which makes no sense at all:p )

#1 Singer Sewing Machine Oil, something that is hard to find nowadays

A tie for scond place is Breakfree CLP, Rem Oil, S&W oil and One Shot dry lube.