Whats the best 22cal revolver for targets?


New member
I am looking for a good 22 caliber revolver with 6 inch barrel for target shooting. I am interested in single and double action revolvers and want to be able to use it for 22 long rifle and 22 magnum. I heard the Ruger Single six was a good choice but don't know if they are still made.
How about a good, pre-sellout Smith & Wesson Model 17? It's
about as good as it get's!!!:):D

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I agree.I've got an old Model 17 made in 1958.If I miss the x ring with it,it's not the gun's fault.
I concur with the above. The S&W is the only recently made revolver capable of being used for any kind of serious target work. The old Colt OMM would be OK if you can find one but they are pretty heavy. The single action revolvers have too long a hammer fall to be up to target work, plus it is not possible to get as good a trigger pull as the SA mode of the DA revolvers.

If you want to use magnums and .22LR, get the Ruger Single Six convertible with two cylinders.

I take it that you want this for non formal target shooting? Autoloaders rule in the formal target games, I think mostly because of the rapid fire stage and the fact that you can only use one hand.

I can shoot my Single Six more accurately than my K-22 so don't lose sleep over slow single action lock time. Ruger single actions are very easy to work on should you desire a lighter or creep-free trigger pull. Admittedly the Colt or S&W DA guns will have superior single action trigger pulls as they come from the factory.
I like my Dan Wesson Model 22VH with 8 inch barrel. A bit muzzle heavy, but very accurate.
A pre-agreement Smith Model 17 is an excellent choice as well. One of these and a Colt 6" Diamondback are high on my must have list.
Enjoy your search.
This is heresy for a revolver board, but if you are interested in the best target accurracy get a semi-auto, they are intrinsicly more accurate and better for timed and rapid fire.

But, if you are doing informal target shooting and like revolvers for their special character then, I suggest a used S&W 17. The Ruger Single Six is not all that accurate in my experience.
If you want to be able to shoot both LR and Mag ammo, the Ruger single action is about you only reasonable choice.
Colt Diamondback or Colt Officers Match (in .22) are my first choice. S&W M17 and its variations are second choice - especially the older, used ones.
.22LR Revolver

The Ruger Super Single Six! Two cylinders, twice as much fun! Actually I've had so much fun with the .22LR I haven't really gotten around to playing with the other cylinder yet. :) Dennis
Thanks guys, I got my hands on a ruger single six with a 5 1/2 inch barrel and liked it. I shot fairly well with it so thats what I got. I liked the changeable cylinder feature a lot. I appreciate the help.
good choice, thats the only gun that i know of on the market that would handle both rounds you originally wanted. BTW did you know that the 22lr and mag are of different bore sizes. the ruger is bored for the 22mag and should actually shoot that round more accurately.

if you can live with just the .22lr, the most accurate revolver is the casull 252

if you're in the market for a target grade DA...my observations have been:

1) dan wesson pistol-pac - most accurate da's out there w/ interchangable barrels and shrouds
2) colt diamondback - i find the 4" easier to shoot than the 6"; tall front sight
3) S&W K-22 - better tuned trigger than colt, great sights, but not as accurate for me.
I'd go with the S&W Model 17. Mine is vintage 1981, upgraded by the factory with a wide target hammer and target trigger.
Find a K22 used. Don't get the full lug barrel they made for awhile. Too heavy IMHO. I've got a 5 screw made in 1948.
Thing will still shoot into 1/2" 25yds...