What's the beef with the Glock 44


New member
I bought a Glock 44 as a training gun. Then I see all over the net criticism, calling it a jamamatic. I'm 600 rounds in with a variety of ammo, not even a hiccup.
I don't have one, no interest in one, my EDC is a 43.


.. .22 firearms can be picky and not cycle reliably with certain ammo. The low energy can prevent a semi-auto from working as intended. My daughter and I compete in rifle @ 100yds, iron sights, with a SA .22 and I have had to make changes (extractor, bolt cleanup, recoil spring and guide rod) to suit the ammo that seems to be most accurate. We had ejection issues previously that were a real pain to deal with in the middle of a high-speed round.

I place no blame on our rifles, it's the choice of ammo. All the "High Velocity" and most "Standard Velocity" stuff cycled without issues in practice, but over time we found they are not as accurate as others out at 100yds. She shoots using CCI "Quiet" at home, and has to manually cycle the action for every shot.
I bought a Glock 44 as a training gun. Then I see all over the net criticism,

I bought one for the same reason. I didn't expect target grade accuracy, but it was significantly less accurate than my center fire Glocks with every brand of ammo I tried. I felt that spraying patterns on the targets was counter productive to practice so I let mine go.

As to reliability mine was 100% reliable with high velocity loads. When I couldn't get acceptable accuracy I did try some standard velocity target loads to see it it helped. It made no difference in accuracy, but I got 1-2 jams per magazine with those loads.

If I could have gotten accuracy at least comparable to my other Glocks I'd have been happy with it. Needing to shoot high velocity loads wouldn't have been a deal killer for me as that is what I shoot the most anyway.